Talk:Cleric Guide

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Since there is no discussion page, I figured I'd start it.

There are a few things to address. We still have a relatively incomplete guide on our hands. If we could implement strategies for leveling, useful solo and party tips, as well as the numerous roles a Cleric can play, it would fill the guide out nicely. I can't do this on my own.

Triumph Talk 23:37, 14 August 2007 (EDT)

Strength build

Clericz4life - this is probably the most reliable build. USE IT if you want to hit as much as other Classes. As it says up there, you'll be crippled in defence. You'll still have better def. than a Mage though, don't worry ;).

O-mie - I disagree with the above statement. Cleric is not an offensive class, it is a support class. If you want a high damage character, make a damage-dealer such as a mage, archer, or fighter.

CooLboY12 - I disagree. fighter isn't a damage-dealer. if a figher is pure str, you'll be crippled in defence too. Fighters must focus on END cuz they already have great damage.

About previous statement: +STR from freestat points gives very attractive damages in PvM. Icy

Barrick - A STR build is a waste of time for a cleric, your primary role is to keep a party alive. Also if you are a soloer, full STR doesnt increase your survival rate. I agree with O-mie, A cleric is a support class and at most a support damage dealer, do not try to turn it into something it isn't.

Commentary moved from Article

General Tips

  • (To the above statement) You can check the tier of the bleeding by hovering over its icon when you click on the player you are trying to cure. Cure[1] cures tier 1 and 2, Cure[2] cures tier 3, not sure about subsequent tiers/cures.

(I have yet to see tier 2 poisons, and I believe that tier 3 might be a typo --NotMyWay 23:54, 6 February 2008 (CST))

  • Be careful when using Bash. While doing so you cannot heal. You can use heal then immediately use bash thus healing and attacking.
  • If low on HP use heal, then immediately cast rejuvenate. However, keep in mind that rejuvenate causes a massive amount of hate on mobs. Some people call it the cleric's mock.

Stat Builds

Again my opinions here may be different from yours: but I'm just putting them here to help.
Barrick- Overall your builds do make sense. I will be adding a few builds in to update.

Hybrid Build

25 to SPR, the rest in End. This build works quite well as a solo and a party build, and is also decent in PVP (although clerics are not the most fun to pvp with since battles usually never will end) Through this build you will get a nice crit bonus, nice SP bonus, mdef, and also the delicious block rate that end gives you (Which is added up with the block rate on your shield. Remember though that end/spr stats on equipment do NOT affect block rate and criticals! This build will make you perfect for support as you will be able to tank mobs that lose hate without fear of dying. STR, in my opinion, is a useless stat to a cleric, because with their attack rate and weapon damage, even with +9 you will not make much difference. Leave the damage to Damager dealers like archers, mages, and str/crit fighters, you stick to healing! Str is only useful to clerics who plan on soloing until the end of eternity, as clerics are always welcomed into parties for their buffs and heals.

Endurance Build

I find that a 2:1 or 3:1 End:Str ratio is the best for higher lvl soloing which is what you will do the majority
of the time. As for needing SP we don't really need to raise it because we have a nice little passive skill
called Divinity which raises your SP quite a bit. The damage with this build is quite good as well if you
find it still too low for your taste simply upgrade your weapon.

Souls_healer- I disagree about that kind of build.At lvl 31 i gave 23 points to str and i got +27 dmg,it is almost nothing, hammer lvl 30 enhancement lvl 4 gives +30 dmg, so why waste point for Str, but if you put them in End you get hp,defense and shield defense. I think that much better is 25 points in Spr and rest in End

Toyama- This build is quite alright. It's good for soloing. NOT EVERYONE HAS THE MONEY TO ENHANCE WEAPON, so go ahead and try this one out

Dontos- If you go full end then you can always just look for good str gear. If you dont have the money do buy good green gear then in later levels you will barely make it. Proffesions and drop selling are great money making ideas. This build is fine aswell as the one above.

Party Build

By: Barrick

Basically this build can be tweaked and used in many different ways. Early on I'd say use a 1:1 END/SPR build, because based on alot of the builds I've seen/used, getting the 25 SPR early on is best for the critical %. Do this ratio til you hit 25 on SPR from there it changes a little. In a party you need to be able to stay alive if you get hit. Obviously END increases; defense, shield block rate and HP. Those 3 things are ALL needed for staying alive. Another thing to consider is evasion rate. DEX raises this stat as well as Aim. SPR increases your Magic defense, crit rate and SP, which you shouldnt have a problem with after the starting 25 points. So END is obviously a keeper stat in the ratio. That leaves you with DEX and STR to fill in the rest right? Here is where this build has alot of tweaks and flexing that you can do. An END/DEX build would increase your survivability and overall DPS(Damage per second, for those who don't know). Causing monsters and players alike to start missing you and also causing you to miss them less. Also when they actually do hit you, your increased block rate has a chance to kick in as well as your higher defense/HP to lessen the severity. To really sweeten the build a bit more, STR gear is easy to come by. Nab all the STR you can from gear and start hitting back. It wont be enough to be a "real damage dealer" but it will make the difference in how long you live in a party or PVP.

Solo Build

By: Barrick

Again this can be tweaked alot to your liking. Early on again I'd say use the 1:1 END:SPR build for the crit rate. You WILL notice the crit rate more than the increased damage from STR. Hit 25 on SPR, then again decide your route. END is obvious for surviving. Leaving STR and DEX once more. Why not go ahead and do a multi-ratio build since this build is mostly PvM? So a END/STR/DEX build in that order. Monsters miss more than people and recently Outspark has increased DEX's potentcy, making it a valuable stat now. As always Aim/evasion cannot be increased by DEX stats on your armor, so a 2:1:1 build or even a 2:1:2 build could easily help you survive as well as kill anything that comes near you. By all means tweak the ratio to your liking, but from what I've seen and experienced, with this build it takes a mass of about 15-20 mobs to kill me, and thats without a buff.



Ok, this is your basic heal. Fast casting- Quick recharge so its spammable which makes it useful when tanking
massive amounts of mobs or in PVP where you are the focal point of everyones wrath. My opinion is like it, love it,
use and abuse it. Skill Empowerment:


- 5 points into Skills Basic Power.(Estimated levels when you should do this: 3-11)

- 5 points into Decrease Cooldown Time. Important, especally if you are planning to party a lot.(Estimated levels when you should do this: 13-21)

- 5 points into SP Consumption.(Estimated levels when you should do this: 23-31**)

Why: When maxed; Skill's Basic Power is a 50% increase in HP healed for the SP spent. Decreased Cooldown Time speeds up your recast/cooldown by 0.9 seconds. That is a 30% increase. Decreased SP Consumption is a 50% decrease in SP used when casting this ability.

Overall, Heal is your most useful ability as well as your most used. This Skill point setup makes you 30% faster, 50% more efficient at max SP cost and actually makes you more efficient by cutting your max SP cost by 50% as well. Put them in in the order given above.

  • You can change this to levels 33-41 to do the "Skill's Basic Power" of Bash first.

Note to the previous writer- Your info was great but a little inaccurate and a little all over the place. In my opinion; ALL clerics should be built the way that is stated above regardless wether they are solo or party oriented.

Bleed and Trip

Image:Bleed1.jpeg Image:Trip1.jpegNo need for seperate topics here they are same skill pretty much different skill animation -Bleed -
*which is the mace- skill has lower sp reduction but other then that they do the same dmg...dmg gets better as
you get higher ranks. 4-5 points into Power 1-2 into SP Consumption.

O-mie - Putting points in this is not always a good idea. The skill has a sickeningly, disgustingly low attack, and adding 5 points will only up it a very small, small bit, not enough to really affect anything. If you do not solo much at all, I would not empower this skill, but save it for PVP use. Remember, if you want a high damage character, make a damage-dealer and stop playing a support class.

Doomleader- I totally agree with Toyama... the only point of he skill s to add another point of damage AFTER BASH making t a quicker kill-- even though ts an sp waster there s no point in boosting it


Image:Invincible1.jpegWhen you are in your lower levels, you will not need to use this skill but its still highly suggested that you buy it and empower duration to 5. It has a long cooldown but at higher levels it can save you or a party member's life if you have multiple aggros on you.
5 points into Duration.</sp Toyama - It's not really recommended that you invest your points of duration into this skill, although it gives a slight boost but it's not going to help you in the long run. I'd recommend investing the 5 points into some other skills.

Doomleader- agreed the 5 points wont give you much of a decrease duration so i would go for another skill to invest in

Skill Empowerment

Note that the following empowerments are my own personal opinion. This is only to give a rough idea of what to add.

  • Bash-5 points to increase power. This is currently the best attacking skill in the game, and is better then Bleed or Trip.
  • Invincible-1 point to duration. The first point increases duration by 3.8 seconds, subsequent points increase by 0.7 seconds.
  • Heal-5 points to cooldown, 1 to reduce SP consumption. Heal is the best healing spell in terms of hp healed per second, assuming it was used as soon as the cooldown is up. Also, while 5 points only reduce cooldown by 0.9 seconds, it is in fact a 30% reduction in cooldown, just like with all other healing skills. As for SP consumption, since heal will be used about once every 2.1 seconds when in a party, it would save some money. Subsequent points after the first point reduce SP consumption by a lesser amount.

Barrick- Honestly this skill point set doesnt really make much sense. First off Heal needs 5 into cooldown (0.9 second reduction), 5 into Skills basic power (nearly a 50% hp cured increase, HELLO??!?!?! more hp healed for the SP spent, this should be the FIRST skill point upgrade you even think about doing) and finally 5 into SP consumption (why you ask? at 5/5 your sp consumed is cut in 1/2 and I dont know about you, but in a pinch, my most useful ability and most USED ability shouldnt eat all of my SP even if I have 1500 at level 30 with no buff.) Overall, Heal is your most important ability regardless of your build. In the early levels Bash doesnt benefit as much as your actual Heal does. I constantly solo and I can say that I'm glad that I maxed my Heal so early. Secondly, depending on your build, your next 5 skill points(generally from 30-40) should go into Bash. I have not found myself needing the power boost until around level 40.(You can definately switch places with this and SP consumption, but your first 10 should be like this: 5/5 Basic power, 5/5 Decrease Cooldown into the Heal ability.) After your first 20 are spent, Then you can start looking into the "smaller" abilities. 1 point into invincible does actually make sense, you shouldn't need more than 14~ seconds to regroup and get the mayhem under control. After that its all on how you play. If you solo, think about decreasing the cool down or the SP consumed on Bash. If you party, possibly the duration on Rejuvination. You should have all your main skill points spent by level 40, from there it's all preference.

Strength Build

Some people are more in favor of a 2:1 Str:End build. I didn't really find the raising of Str necessary because
you get massive boost in Str from leveling up. This build is high in damage but leaves you lacking in
defense and SP. You will kill quicker but are less likely to be able to tank the higher lvl quest boss. Also, you should add some Spr.

Barrick- I agree this build is worthless. If done the right way and spent at the right time, your stat point spread should really be something like 1:1 END/SPR ratio til you get SPR to 25. Trust me the Crits make a bigger difference earlier on than the extra hp or defense.(Come on, do you really need the defense of a fighter at level 34?) From there, thats when STR starts to really pick up in usefulness, about this time, you should be putting points into your Bash power, as well as pumping some into str. I guarantee you will notice a big power jump, espectially on your crits. At this point with that stat allocation, You should have about a 2:1 END:STR ratio if you switch out the SPR for STR in the previous 1:1 ratio. Dont be afraid to mess up, just plan ahead.

Full Spirit

I don't really recommend using this build--it's for people who mainly like support roles, but this will cripple you.
This game just doesn't require constant partying so unless you have a good friend who's going to party with
you everyday DO NOT go this route.

Barrick- This build is a waste of time. Even if you duo/trio alot and will do that constantly, full SPR will not benefit the party other than you have more sp to heal with. Plan out your stats a little bit. Remember if you die, you are the only one who can revive the others. END is definately worth Investing in, even DEX if you are concerned about getting hit. A END/DEX/SPR build might actually benefit you more in a duo/trio situation. DO NOT EVER GO FULL SPR.

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