Weapons (Archer)

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The Archer has two ranged weapon choices.



Standard Bows

These Bows can be bought from Blacksmiths in the towns of Isya.

Tier Icon Name Level Dmg Aim Crit % Attack Rate Buy Sell +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
1 Image:ShortBow.gif Short Bow 1 3 ~ 6 9 4.0% 1.1 12Copper 2Copper +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 - -
1 Image:LongBow.gif Long Bow 8 14 ~ 20 33 4.0% 1.1 72Copper 16Copper +1 +2 +3 +5 +7 +9 +13 +20 +32 +45 - -
1 Image:LightBow.gif Light Bow 15 25 ~ 36 58 4.0% 1.1 230Copper 50Copper +1 +2 +3 +7 +11 +16 +24 +36 +58 +82 - -
1 Image:RoumenBow.gif Roumen Bow 20 34 ~ 49 76 4.0% 1.1 5Silver(s)700Copper 500Copper +2 +3 +5 +10 +15 +22 +32 +48 +77 +108 - -
2 Image:CloseBow.gif Close Bow 30 62 ~ 89 123 4.0% 1.1 17Silver(s) 1Silver(s) +4 +6 +8 +17 +25 +36 +53 +79 +126 +177 - -
2 Image:HeavyBow.gif Heavy Bow 40 90 ~ 129 170 4.0% 1.1 37Silver(s) 3Silver(s) +5 +8 +11 +23 +35 +50 +74 +109 +175 +247 - -
2 Image:CompositBow.gif Composite Bow 50 119 ~ 169 216 4.0% 1.1 66Silver(s) 5Silver(s) +7 +10 +15 +30 +45 +64 +94 +140 +224 +315 - -
3 Image:WarBow.gif War Bow 60 148 ~ 211 264 4.0% 1.1 270Silver(s) 10Silver(s) +9 +13 +18 +37 +56 +78 +115 +172 +274 +385 +507 +629
3 Image:BattleBow.gif Battle Bow 70 185 ~ 264 322 4.0% 1.1 420Silver(s) 20Silver(s) +11 +15 +22 +45 +68 +95 +141 +210 +335 +471 +621 +771
3 Image:GiantBow.gif Giant Bow 80 231 ~ 329 380 4.0% 1.1 610Silver(s) 30Silver(s) +13 +18 +27 +54 +81 +113 +167 +248 +396 +557 +734 +911
4 Image:TitanicBow.jpg Titanic Bow 90 320 ~ 493 439 4.0% 1.1 850Silver(s) 40Silver(s) +14 +22 +32 +64 +98 +147 +231 +354 +502 +666 +846 +1026
5 Image:ShadowBow.gif Shadow Bow 100 480~739 702 4.0% 1.1 2Gold(s) 120Silver(s) 141Silver(s) +22 +33 +48 +96 +147 +221 +347 +532 +753 +998 +1268 +1538
5 Image:PakahBow.gif Pakah Bow 108 937~1467 912 4.0% 1.1 7Gold(s) 400Silver(s) 195Silver(s) +33 +49 +72 +144 +221 +332 +520 +797 +1130 +1499 +1905 +2311
5 Image:PiercingBow.gif Piercing Bow 120 4.0% 1.1 10Gold(s) - -
5 Image:DarkshuterBow.gif Darkshuter Bow 124 4.0% 1.1 12Gold(s) - -

Rare Bows

These Bows are obtained from monsters through Isya

Tier Icon Name Level Aim Dmg Crit % Attack Rate +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
1 Image:LongBow.gif [Sand Beach] Long Crab Bow 10 51 22~32 6.0% 1.1 +1 +2 +3 +5 +7 +9 +13 +20 +32 +45 - -
1 Image:LightBow.gif Mutation Wolf Light Bow 15 68 30~43 6.0% 1.1 +1 +2 +3 +7 +11 +16 +24 +36 +58 +82 - -
1 Image:RoumenBow.gif King Marlone's Rouemen Bow 20 95 45~65 6.0% 1.1 +2 +3 +5 +10 +15 +22 +32 +48 +77 +108 - -
2 Image:CloseBow.gif Zombie King's Close Bow 30 142 74~105 6.0% 1.1 +4 +6 +8 +17 +25 +36 +53 +79 +126 +177 - -
2 Image:HeavyBow.gif Giant Goblin King Heavy Bow 40 188 102~145 6.0% 1.1 +5 +8 +11 +23 +35 +50 +74 +109 +175 +247 - -
2 Image:CompositBow.gif Chief Guard Composite Bow 50 235 130~185 6.0% 1.1 +7 +10 +15 +30 +45 +64 +94 +140 +224 +315 - -
2 Image:BeakofCanary.gif Beak of Canary 50 287 163~232 8.0% 1.0 +7 +10 +15 +30 +45 +64 +94 +140 +224 +315 - -
3 Image:WarBow.gif Giant Orc Captain War Bow 60 287 163~232 6.0% 1.1 +9 +13 +18 +37 +56 +78 +115 +172 +274 +385 +507 +629
3 Image:BattleBow.gif Giant Harpy Battle Bow 70 345 200~286 6.0% 1.1 +11 +15 +22 +45 +68 +95 +141 +210 +335 +471 +621 +771
3 Image:DanceofSlyph.GIF Dance of Shylph 70 396 228 ~ 329 8.0% 1.0 +11 +15 +22 +45 +68 +95 +141 +210 +335 +471 +621 +771
3 Image:GiantBow.gif Giant Bow of Guardian Master 80 404 250~358 6.0% 1.1 +13 +18 +27 +54 +81 +113 +167 +248 +396 +557 +734 +911
4 Image:GiantBow.gif Giant Bow of Bellow Knight 85 621 312~446 6.0% 1.1 +14 +22 +32 +64 +98 +147 +231 +354 +502 +666 +846 +1026
4 Image:TitanicBow.jpg Titanic Bow of Bellow Knight 90 439 394~616 6.0% 1.1 +22 +33 +48 +96 +147 +221 +347 +532 +753 +998 +1268 +1538
4 Image:TitanicBow.jpg Hellgait's Bow 91 807 610~924 8.0% 1.0 +22 +33 +48 +96 +147 +221 +347 +532 +753 +998 +1268 +1538
4 Image:TitanicBow.jpg Titanic Bow of Bellow Knight Rord 95 702 480~739 6.0% 1.1 +22 +33 +48 +96 +147 +221 +347 +532 +753 +998 +1268 +1538
5 Image:Magritte's Shadow Bow.png Magritte's Shadow Bow 100 807 552~850 6.0% 1.1 +22 +33 +48 +96 +147 +221 +347 +532 +753 +998 +1268 +1538
5 image:Phetamine Bow.png Phetamine Bow 105 1013 876~1347 7.0% 1.1 +49 +74 +108 +216 +332 +498 +781 +1196 +1695 +2248 +2856 +3464
5 image:Themis Bow.png Themis Bow 105 1069 924~1422 8.0% 1.0 +49 +74 +108 +216 +332 +498 +781 +1196 +1695 +2248 +2856 +3464
5 image:Ashur Bow.png Ashur Bow 105 1125 973~1497 8.0% 1.1 +49 +74 +108 +216 +332 +498 +781 +1196 +1695 +2248 +2856 +3464
5 image:Magritte's Pakah Bow.png Magritte's Pakah Bow 108 1049 828~1274 6.0% 1.1 +33 +49 +72 +144 +221 +332 +520 +797 +1130 +1499 +1905 +2311
5 image:Psiken Geiroad Bow.png Psiken Geiroad Bow 114 1363 1242~1911 6.0% 1.1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 image:Nightmare Queen's Bow.png Nightmare Queen's Bow 114 1600 1306~2009 8.0% 1.1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 image:Lava's Darkshuter Bow.png Lava's Darkshuter Bow 114 1481 1662~2493 7.0% 1.1 - - - - - - - - - - - -


Standard Crossbows

These Bows can be bought from Blacksmiths in the towns of Isya.

Tier Icon Name Level Aim Dmg Crit % Attack Rate Buy Sell +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
1 Image:SteelCrossBow.gif Steel Crossbow 20 73 67 ~ 88 6.0% 1.4 5Silver(s)700Copper 500Copper +4 +5 +8 +16 +24 +34 +50 +74 +119 +168 - -
2 Image:CloseCrossBow.gif Close Crossbow 30 117 122 ~ 159 6.0% 1.4 17Silver(s) 1Silver(s) +6 +9 +13 +26 +39 +55 +82 +121 +194 +273 - -
2 Image:HeavyCrossBow.gif Heavy Crossbow 40 161 177 ~ 231 6.0% 1.4 37Silver(s) 3Silver(s) +9 +12 +18 +36 +54 +76 +113 +168 +268 +377 - -
2 Image:CompositeCrossBow.gif Composite Crossbow 50 205 232 ~ 302 6.0% 1.4 66Silver(s) 5Silver(s) +11 +16 +23 +46 +70 +98 +145 +215 +344 +484 - -
3 Image:WarCrossBow.gif War Crossbow 60 251 289 ~ 376 6.0% 1.4 270Silver(s) 10Silver(s) +14 +20 +28 +57 +85 +120 +177 +263 +420 +591 +779 +967
3 Image:BattleCrossBow.gif Battle Crossbow 70 306 362 ~ 471 6.0% 1.4 420Silver(s) 20Silver(s) +17 +24 +35 +70 +105 +147 +217 +322 +514 +723 +953 +1183
3 Image:GiantCrossBow.gif Giant Crossbow 80 362 453 ~ 590 6.0% 1.4 610Silver(s) 30Silver(s) +20 +28 +41 +82 +124 +173 +256 +380 +607 +854 +1126 +1398
4 Image:TitanicCrossbow.jpg Titanic Crossbow 90 417 564 ~ 740 6.0% 1.4 850Silver(s) 40Silver(s) +26 +39 +57 +115 +177 +265 +415 +637 +902 +1196 +1519 +1842
5 Image:Magritte's Shadow Crossbow.png Shadow Crossbow 100 667 862 ~ 1327 6.0% 1.4 2Gold(s) 120Silver(s) 141Silver(s) +39 +59 +86 +172 +265 +398 +623 +955 +1353 +1794 +2279 +2764
5 image:Magritte's Sheba CrossBow.png Sheba Crossbow 108 867 1722~2697 6.0% 1.4 7Gold(s) 400Silver(s) 195Silver(s) +59 +89 +129 +258 +398 +597 +935 +1432 +2029 +2691 +3419 +4147

Rare Crossbows

These Crossbows are obtained from monsters through Isya

Tier Icon Name Level Aim Dmg Crit % Attack Rate +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
1 Image:SteelCrossBow.gif King Marlone's Steel Crossbow 20 90 89 ~ 116 8.0% 1.4 +4 +5 +8 +16 +24 +34 +50 +74 +119 +168 - -
2 Image:CloseCrossBow.gif Zombie King's Close Crossbow 30 135 144 ~ 188 8.0% 1.4 +6 +9 +13 +26 +39 +55 +82 +121 +194 +273 - -
2 Image:HeavyCrossBow.gif Giant Goblin King Heavy Crossbow 40 179 199 ~ 259 8.0% 1.4 +9 +12 +18 +36 +54 +76 +113 +168 +268 +377 - -
2 Image:CompositeCrossBow.gif Chief Guard Composite Crossbow 50 223 254 ~ 331 8.0% 1.4 +11 +16 +23 +46 +70 +98 +145 +215 +344 +484 - -
2 Image:WingofCanary.gif Wing of Canary 50 273 318 ~ 414 10.0% 1.3 +11 +16 +23 +46 +70 +98 +145 +215 +344 +484 - -
3 Image:WarCrossBow.gif Giant Orc Captain War Crossbow 60 273 318 ~ 414 8.0% 1.4 +14 +20 +28 +57 +85 +120 +177 +263 +420 +591 +779 +967
3 Image:BattleCrossBow.gif Giant Harpy Battle Crossbow 70 328 391 ~ 509 8.0% 1.4 +17 +24 +35 +70 +105 +147 +217 +322 +514 +723 +953 +1183
3 Image:SlyphSong.gif Shylp Song 70 378 452 ~ 593 10.0% 1.3 +17 +24 +35 +70 +105 +147 +217 +322 +514 +723 +953 +1183
3 Image:GiantCrossBow.gif Giant Cross Bow of Guardian Master 80 384 490 ~ 635 8.0% 1.4 +20 +28 +41 +82 +124 +173 +256 +380 +607 +854 +1126 +1398
4 Image:GiantCrossBow.gif Giant CrossBow of Bellow Knight 85 400 611 ~ 795 8.0% 1.4 +26 +39 +57 +115 +177 +265 +415 +637 +902 +1196 +1519 +1842
4 Image:TitanicCrossbow.jpg Titanic CrossBow of Bellow Knight 90 417 708 ~ 1106 8.0% 1.4 +39 +59 +86 +172 +265 +398 +623 +955 +1353 +1794 +2279 +2764
4 Image:TitanicCrossbow.jpg Hellgait's Crossbow 91 767 1095 ~ 1659 10.0% 1.3 +39 +59 +86 +172 +265 +398 +623 +955 +1353 +1794 +2279 +2764
4 Image:TitanicCrossbow.jpg Titanic Cross Bow of Bellow knight Rord 95 667 862 ~ 1327 8.0% 1.4 +39 +59 +86 +172 +265 +398 +623 +955 +1353 +1794 +2279 +2764
5 Image:Magritte's Shadow Crossbow.png Magritte's Shadow Crossbow 100 767 992 ~ 1526 8.0% 1.4 +39 +59 +86 +172 +265 +398 +623 +955 +1353 +1794 +2279 +2764
5 image:Pielberg CrossBow.png Pielberg CrossBow 105 962 1572 ~ 2419 9.0% 1.4 +89 +134 +194 +388 +597 +895 +1402 +2149 +3044 +4037 +5129 +6221
5 image:Themis CrossBow.png Themis Crossbow 105 1016 1660 ~ 2554 10.0% 1.4 +89 +134 +194 +388 +597 +895 +1402 +2149 +3044 +4037 +5129 +6221
5 image:Glad CrossBow.png Glad Crossbow 105 1069 1747 ~ 2688 10.0% 1.4 +89 +134 +194 +388 +597 +895 +1402 +2149 +3044 +4037 +5129 +6221
5 image:Magritte's Sheba CrossBow.png Magritte's Sheba CrossBow 108 997 1487 ~ 2289 8.0% 1.4 +59 +89 +129 +258 +398 +597 +935 +1432 +2029 +2691 +3419 +4147
5 image:Psiken Gaream CrossBow.png Psiken Gaream CrossBow 114 1296 2231 ~ 3433 8.0% 1.4 - - - - - - - - - - +4037 -
5 image:Nightmare Queen's Crossbow.png Nightmare Queen's Crossbow 114 1521 2345 ~ 3607 10.0% 1.4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 image:Untruthful Spirit CrossBow.png Untruthful Spirit CrossBow 114 1521 2620 ~ 4030 10.0% 1.2 - - - - - - - - - - - +5129
5 image:Lava's Moottalis CrossBow.png Lava's Moottalis CrossBow 114 1409 2985 ~ 4478 7.8% 1.4 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 image:Chaos Zephyros Crossow.png Chaos Zephyros Crossow 120 1867 4984 ~ 7667 10% 1.4 - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cash Shop Items


Tier Icon Name Level Attack Rate Aim Dmg Crit % +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9

Black & White Series

1 Image:BlackLightBow.jpg Black Light Bow 17 1.1 68 22 ~ 43 5.0% 1 2 3 7 11 16 24 36 58
2 Image:WhiteLightBow.jpg White Light Bow 50 1.1 212 116 ~ 165 5.0% 7 10 15 30 45 64 94 140 224

Bow of Fortune

2 Image:DanceofSlyph.GIF HammerBow of Fortune 40 0.9 212 127 ~ 172 7.0 5 8 11 23 35 50 74 109 175
2 50 0.9 258 155 ~ 211 7.0 7 10 15 30 45 64 94 140 224
3 60 0.9 308 180 ~ 249 7.0 9 13 18 37 56 78 115 172 274

Bright Kingdom Bow

1 Image:BeakofCanary.gif Bright Kingdom Bow 20 0.9 118 70 ~ 95 7.0 2 3 5 10 15 22 32 48 77
2 30 0.9 165 98 ~ 134 7.0 4 6 8 17 25 36 53 79 126
2 40 0.9 204 117 ~ 162 7.0 5 8 11 23 35 50 74 109 175

Holiday Bow

[Premium Item]Holiday Bow for celebrating the season.
1 Image:Holidayvow.jpg Holiday Bow 20 0.9 123 70 ~ 85 4.0 2 3 5 10 15 22 32 48 77
2 40 0.9 216 124 ~ 151 4.0 5 8 11 23 35 50 74 109 175
3 60 0.9 309 179 ~ 217 4.0 9 13 18 37 56 78 115 172 274

Halloween Bow

[Premium Item]Trick or treat! Halloween Bow. Perfect for those pesky ghouls and goblins!
2 Image:HalloweenBow.jpg Halloween Bow 25 0.9 147 84 ~ 102 4.0 4 6 8 17 25 36 53 79 126
2 40 0.9 216 124 ~ 151 4.0 7 10 15 30 45 64 94 140 224
3 55 0.9 286 166 ~ 201 4.0 9 13 18 37 56 78 115 172 274

Bow of Teva

[Premium Item] An ornate Bow, blessed by the Goddess Teva herself.
2 Image:BowofTeva.jpg Bow of Teva 25 0.9 142 84 ~ 139 4.0 2 3 5 10 15 22 32 48 77
2 35 0.9 191 113 ~ 186 4.0 4 6 8 17 25 36 53 79 126
2 45 0.9 237 140 ~ 230 4.0 5 8 11 23 35 50 74 109 175
3 55 0.9 283 167 ~ 274 4.0 7 10 15 30 45 64 94 140 224
3 65 0.9 327 192 ~ 316 4.0 9 13 18 37 56 78 115 172 274
4 75 0.9 433 328 ~ 538 4.0 11 15 22 45 68 95 141 210 335

Blue Valentine Bow

[Premium Item]Blue Valentine Bow in honor of Valentine's Day.
1 Image:BlueValentineBow.jpg Blue Valentine HammerBow 20 0.9 118 70 ~ 114 4.0 2 3 5 10 15 22 32 48 77
2 30 0.9 167 99 ~ 163 4.0 4 6 8 17 25 36 53 79 126
2 40 0.9 212 127 ~ 206 4.0 5 8 11 23 35 50 74 109 175
3 50 0.9 261 154 ~ 252 4.0 7 10 15 30 45 64 94 140 224
3 60 0.9 308 180 ~ 299 4.0 9 13 18 37 56 78 115 172 274
3 70 0.9 397 311 ~ 511 4.0 12 15 22 45 68 95 141 210 335

Cherry Blossom Bow

[Premium Item]Cherry Blossom Bow symbolizing nature's resiliency.
1 Image:CherryBlossomBow.jpg Cherry Blossom HammerBow 20 0.9 118 90 ~ 94 4.0 2 3 5 10 15 22 32 48 77
2 30 0.9 167 119 ~ 143 4.0 4 6 8 17 25 36 53 79 126
2 40 0.9 212 147 ~ 186 4.0 5 8 11 23 35 50 74 109 175
3 50 0.9 261 174 ~ 232 4.0 7 10 15 30 45 64 94 140 224
3 60 0.9 308 200 ~ 279 4.0 9 13 18 37 56 78 115 172 274
3 70 0.9 397 331 ~ 491 4.0 11 15 22 45 68 95 141 210 335

Red Valentine Bow

[Premium Item]Red Valentine Bow in honor of Valentine's Day.
1 Image:Redvalentinebow.jpg Red Valentine HammerBow 20 0.9 118 70 ~ 114 4.0 2 3 5 10 15 22 32 48 77
2 30 0.9 167 99 ~ 163 4.0 4 6 8 17 25 36 53 79 126
2 40 0.9 212 127 ~ 206 4.0 5 8 11 23 35 50 74 109 175
3 50 0.9 261 154 ~ 252 4.0 7 10 15 30 45 64 94 140 224
3 60 0.9 308 180 ~ 299 4.0 9 13 18 37 56 78 115 172 274
3 70 0.9 397 311 ~ 511 4.0 11 15 22 45 68 95 141 210 335


Tier Icon Name Level Attack Rate Aim Dmg Crit % +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9

Crossbow of Fortune

2 Image:SlyphSong.gif Crossbow of Fortune 40 1.2 180 218 ~ 263 9.0 9 12 18 36 54 76 113 168 268
2 50 1.2 220 266 ~ 322 9.0 11 16 23 46 70 98 145 215 344
3 60 1.2 263 315 ~ 383 9.0 14 20 28 57 85 120 177 263 420

Bright Kingdom Crossbow

1 Image:WingofCanary.gif Bright Kingdom Crossbow 20 1.2 101 121 ~ 146 9.0 4 5 8 16 24 34 50 74 119
2 30 1.2 140 169 ~ 205 9.0 6 9 13 26 39 55 82 121 194
2 40 1.2 174 206 ~ 251 9.0 9 12 18 36 54 76 113 168 268

Holiday Crossbow

[Premium Item]Holiday Crossbow for celebrating the season.
1 Image:Holidayxbow.jpg Holiday Crossbow 20 1.2 105 121 ~ 136 6.0 4 5 8 16 24 34 50 74 119
2 40 1.2 184 214 ~ 240 6.0 9 12 18 36 54 76 113 168 268
3 60 1.2 263 307 ~ 345 6.0 14 20 28 57 85 120 177 263 420

Halloween Crossbow

[Premium Item]Trick or treat! Halloween Crossbow. Perfect for those pesky ghouls and goblins!
2 Image:HalloweenXbow.jpg Halloween Crossbow 25 1.2 125 144 ~ 162 6.0 6 9 13 26 39 55 82 121 194
2 40 1.2 184 214 ~ 240 6.0 11 16 23 46 70 98 145 215 344
3 55 1.2 244 284 ~ 319 6.0 14 20 28 57 85 120 177 263 420

Crossbow of Teva

[Premium Item] An ornate Crossbow, blessed by the Goddess Teva herself.
2 Image:CrossbowofTeva.jpg Crossbow of Teva 25 1.2 121 146 ~ 212 6.0 4 5 8 16 24 34 50 74 119
2 35 1.2 163 196 ~ 284 6.0 6 9 13 26 39 55 82 121 194
2 45 1.2 202 243 ~ 353 6.0 9 12 18 36 54 76 113 168 268
3 55 1.2 241 290 ~ 421 6.0 11 16 23 46 70 98 145 215 344
3 65 1.2 278 335 ~ 486 6.0 14 20 28 57 85 120 177 263 420
4 75 1.2 362 429 ~ 623 6.0 17 24 35 70 105 147 217 322 514

Blue Valentine Crossbow

[Premium Item]Blue Valentine Crossbow in honor of Valentine's Day.
1 Image:BlueValentineXbow.jpg Blue Valentine Crossbow 20 1.2 101 121 ~ 175 6.0 4 5 8 16 24 34 50 74 119
2 30 1.2 143 171 ~ 249 6.0 6 9 13 26 39 55 82 121 194
2 40 1.2 180 218 ~ 316 6.0 9 12 18 36 54 76 113 168 268
3 50 1.2 222 267 ~ 387 6.0 11 16 23 46 70 98 145 215 344
3 60 1.2 263 315 ~ 460 6.0 14 20 28 57 85 120 177 263 420
3 70 1.2 331 402 ~ 583 6.0 17 24 35 70 105 147 217 322 514

Cherry Blossom Crossbow

[Premium Item]Cherry Blossom Crossbow symbolizing nature's resiliency.
1 Image:CherryBlossomXbow.jpg Cherry Blossom Crossbow 20 1.2 101 141 ~ 155 6.0 4 5 8 16 24 34 50 74 119
2 30 1.2 143 191 ~ 229 6.0 6 9 13 26 39 55 82 121 194
2 40 1.2 180 238 ~ 296 6.0 9 12 18 36 54 76 113 168 268
3 50 1.2 222 287 ~ 367 6.0 11 16 23 46 70 98 145 215 344
3 60 1.2 263 335 ~ 440 6.0 14 20 28 57 85 120 177 263 420
3 70 1.2 331 422 ~ 563 6.0 17 24 35 70 105 147 217 322 514

Red Valentine Crossbow

[Premium Item]Red Valentine Crossbow in honor of Valentine's Day.
1 Image:Redvalentinexbow.jpg Red Valentine Crossbow 20 1.2 101 121 ~ 175 6.0 4 5 8 16 24 34 50 74 119
2 30 1.2 143 171 ~ 249 6.0 6 9 13 26 39 55 82 121 194
2 40 1.2 180 218 ~ 316 6.0 9 12 18 36 54 76 113 168 268
3 50 1.2 222 267 ~ 387 6.0 11 16 23 46 70 98 145 215 344
3 60 1.2 263 315 ~ 460 6.0 14 20 28 57 85 120 177 263 420
3 70 1.2 331 402 ~ 583 6.0 17 24 35 70 105 147 217 322 514

See Also


Armors: Fighter, Cleric, Archer, Mage, Trickster, Crusader | Shields: Cleric, Fighter

Weapons: Fighter, Cleric, Archer, Mage, Trickster, Crusader

Purple Set Items: Fighter, Cleric, Archer, Mage, Trickster, Crusader, Jewellery

Accessories: Earrings, Necklaces, Rings, Pets

Materials: Potions, Scrolls, Stones

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