Weapons (Trickster)

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Trickster has two weapon choices.



Standard Claws

These Claws can be bought from Blacksmiths in the towns of Isya.

Tier Icon Name Level Dmg Aim Crit % Attack Rate Buy Sell +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
1 Image:AbelClaws.png Abel Claws 1 8 ~ 13 5 6.0% 1.6 12Copper 2Copper +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +20 +25 - -
1 Image:BonoClaws.png Bono Claws 8 31 ~ 48 27 6.0% 1.6 72Copper 16Copper +2 +5 +8 +12 +17 +23 +35 +52 +85 +120 - -
1 Image:CrimsonClaws.png Crimson Claws 15 55 ~ 84 48 6.0% 1.6 230Copper 50Copper +4 +6 +9 +20 +30 +43 +63 +94 +152 +213 - -
1 Image:AbbaClaws.png Abba Claws 20 73 ~ 113 65 6.0% 1.6 5Silver(s)700Copper 500Copper +6 +8 +12 +24 +36 +51 +77 +114 +182 +256 - -
2 Image:SpinClaws.png Spin Claws 30 130 ~ 200 107 6.0% 1.6 17Silver(s) 1Silver(s) +9 +13 +19 +39 +58 +83 +122 +182 +291 +410 - -
2 Image:MonClaws.png Mon Claws 40 187 ~ 287 149 6.0% 1.6 37Silver(s) 3Silver(s) +13 +18 +26 +54 +81 +113 +168 +249 +399 +562 - -
2 Image:MidianClaws.png Midian Claws 50 242 ~ 373 190 6.0% 1.6 66Silver(s) 5Silver(s) +17 +23 +34 +68 +103 +145 +214 +317 +508 +715 - -
3 Image:RingClaws.png Ring Claws 60 301 ~ 463 233 6.0% 1.6 270Silver(s) 10Silver(s) +20 +29 +41 +84 +126 +176 +260 +388 +619 +870 +1146 +1422
3 Image:ZabadClaws.png Zabad Claws 70 375 ~ 577 285 6.0% 1.6 420Silver(s) 20Silver(s) +25 +35 +51 +102 +153 +215 +317 +471 +753 +1059 +1396 +1733
3 Image:RedEyeClaws.png RedEye Claws 80 469 ~ 722 337 6.0% 1.6 610Silver(s) 30Silver(s) +30 +41 +60 +121 +182 +254 +375 +557 +891 +1254 +1653 +2052
4 Image:GemClaws.png Gem Claws 90 703 ~ 1082 389 6.0% 1.6 850Silver(s) 40Silver(s) +31 +48 +70 +140 +216 +323 +508 +778 +1103 +1462 +1857 +2252
5 Image:HolyClaws.png Holy Claws 100 1054 ~ 1622 622 6.0% 1.6 2Gold(s)120Silver(s) 141Silver(s) +48 +72 +105 +210 +323 +486 +761 +1167 +1653 +2192 +2785 +3378
5 Image:DistClaws.png Dist Claws 108 1582 ~ 2434 808 6.0% 1.6 2Gold(s)930Silver(s) 195Silver(s) +72 +108 +157 +316 +486 +730 +1143 +1751 +2482 +3293 +4185 +5077

Rare Claws

These Claws are obtained from monsters through Isya

Tier Icon Name Level Aim Dmg Crit % Attack Rate +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11+12
1 Image:CrimsonClaws.png Mutant Wolf's Crimson Claws 15 55 63 ~ 97 8.0% 1.6 +4 +6 +9 +20 +30 +43 +63 +94 +152 +213 - -
1 Image:AbbaClaws.png King Marlone's Abba Claws 20 75 84 ~ 130 8.0% 1.6 +6 +8 +12 +24 +36 +51 +77 +114 +182 +256 - -
2 Image:SpinClaws.png Zombie King's Spin Claws 30 123 150 ~ 230 8.0% 1.6 +9 +13 +19 +39 +58 +83 +122 +182 +291 +410 - -
2 Image:MonClaws.png Giant Goblin King's Mon Claws 40 171 215 ~ 330 8.0% 1.6 +13 +18 +26 +54 +81 +113 +168 +249 +399 +562 - -
2 Image:MidianClaws.png Guardian's Midian Claws 50 219 278 ~ 429 8.0% 1.6 +17 +23 +34 +68 +103 +145 +214 +317 +508 +715 - -
2 Image:OtteloClaws.png Ottelo's Claws 50 238 303 ~ 466 10.0% 1.6 +17 +23 +34 +68 +103 +145 +214 +317 +508 +715 - -
3 Image:RingClaws.png Giant Orc Captain's Ring Claws 60 268 346 ~ 532 8.0% 1.6 +20 +29 +41 +84 +126 +176 +260 +388 +619 +870 +1146 +1422
3 Image:ZabadClaws.png Giant Harpy's Zabad Claws 70 328 431 ~ 664 8.0% 1.6 +25 +35 +51 +102 +153 +215 +317 +471 +753 +1059 +1396 +1733
3 Image:Emberflame_Claws.png Emberflame Dragon Talons 70 356 525 ~ 808 6.0% 1.6 +25 +35 +51 +102 +153 +215 +317 +471 +753 +1059 +1396 +1733
3 Image:MarchaClaws.png Marcha's Claws 70 356 469 ~ 721 10.0% 1.6 +25 +35 +51 +102 +153 +215 +317 +471 +753 +1059 +1396 +1733
3 Image:RedEyeClaws.png Guardian Master's RedEye Claws 80 388 539 ~ 830 8.0% 1.6 +30 +41 +60 +121 +182 +254 +375 +557 +891 +1254 +1653 +2052
4 Image:RedEyeClaws.png Cursed Knight's RedEye Claws 85 371 566 ~ 973 8.0% 1.6 +31 +48 +70 +140 +216 +323 +508 +778 +1103 +1462 +1857 +2252
4 Image:GemClaws.png Cursed Knight's Gem Claws 90 389 865 ~ 1353 8.0% 1.6 +48 +72 +105 +210 +323 +486 +761 +1167 +1653 +2192 +2785 +3378
4 Image:GemClaws.png Tainted Hellgait's Claws 91 715 923 ~ 1399 10% 1.6 +48 +72 +105 +210 +323 +486 +761 +1167 +1653 +2192 +2785 +3378
4 Image:GemClaws.png Hellgate Claws 91 715 1338 ~ 2028 10.0% 1.6 +48 +72 +105 +210 +323 +486 +761 +1167 +1653 +2192 +2785 +3378
4 Image:GemClaws.png Cursed Knight Lord's Gem Claws 95 536 970 ~ 1493 8.0% 1.6 +48 +72 +105 +210 +323 +486 +761 +1167 +1653 +2192 +2785 +3378
5 Image:DistClaws.png Magrite's Holy Claws 100 982 1922 ~ 2957 9.0% 1.6 +48 +72 +105 +210 +323 +486 +761 +1167 +1653 +2192 +2785 +3378
5 Image:RagnaClaws.png Shock Enemy Crows 105 778 1318 ~ 2028 9.0% 1.6 +48 +72 +105 +210 +323 +486 +761 +1167 +1653 +2192 +2785 +3378
5 Image:DistClaws.png Leah Claw 105 1036 2029 ~ 3122 10.0% 1.6 +108 +164 +237 +474 +729 +1094 +1715 +2627 +3722 +4937 +6274 +7611
5 Image:DistClaws.png Paimon Claws 105 982 1922 ~ 2957 9.0% 1.6 +108 +164 +237 +474 +729 +1094 +1715 +2627 +3722 +4937 +6274 +7611
5 Image:DistClaws.png Tanatos Claws 105 1091 2136 ~ 3286 10.0% 1.6 +108 +164 +237 +474 +729 +1094 +1715 +2627 +3722 +4937 +6274 +7611
5 Image:Magritte's Dist Claws.png Magritte's Dist Claws 108 929 1819 ~ 2799 8.0% 1.6 +72 +108 +157 +316 +486 +730 +1143 +1751 +2482 +3293 +4185 +5077
5 Psiken Geiroad Claw 114 1208 2729 ~ 4198 8.0% 1.6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Image:Nightmare Queen's Claws.png Nightmare Queen's Claw 114 1843 2867 ~ 4411 10.0% 1.6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Image:Untruthful Spirit Claw.png Untruthful Spirit Claw 114 1418 3203 ~ 4928 10.0% 1.6 - - - - - - - - +4937 - - -
5 Image:Lava's Rod Claw.png Lava's Rod Claw 114 1313 3645 ~ 5476 7.8% 1.6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Image:SuccubusQueensClaws.png Succubus Queen's Claws 114 1843 4164 ~ 6406 10.0% 1.6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Image:SeizedAbyssClaw.png Seized Abyss Claw 120 1631 5087 ~ 7826 9% 1.6 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Image:ChaosAbyssClaw.png Chaos Abyss Claw 120 2284 6104 ~ 9391 10% 1.6 - - - - - +2830 - - - - - -
5 Image:DepravedDwarfKingsClaw.png Depraved Dwarf King's Claw 125 2643 7632 ~ 11741 10% 1.6 +596 - - - - - - - - - - -
6 Image:LegendaryFlamesAbyssClaw.png Legendary Flame's Abyss Claw 120 3019 7461 ~ 11478 10% 1.6 - - - - - - - - - - - +24178
5 Image:LegendaryFlamesAbyssClaw.png Utia Claws of the Temple 135 3304 9540 ~ 14676 10% 1.6 - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dual Swords

Standard Dual Swords

These Dual Swords can be bought from Blacksmiths in the towns of Isya.

Tier Icon Name Level Dmg Aim Crit % Attack Rate Buy Sell +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
1 Image:EvanDualSwords.png Evan Dual Swords 20 85 ~ 131 56 4.0% 1.8 5Silver(s) 700Copper 500Copper +6 +9 +13 +28 +42 +60 +89 +132 +211 +297 - -
2 Image:SpinDualSwords.png Spin Dual Swords 30 150 ~ 231 91 4.0% 1.8 17Silver(s) 1Silver(s) +9 +10 +15 +22 +45 +67 +96 +141 +210 +336 - -
2 Image:MonDualSwords.png Mon Dual Swords 40 216 ~ 332 127 4.0% 1.8 37Silver(s) 3Silver(s) +15 +21 +31 +62 +93 +131 +194 +288 +462 +650 - -
2 Image:MidianDualSwords.png Midian Dual Swords 50 280 ~ 431 162 4.0% 1.8 66Silver(s) 5Silver(s) +19 +27 +39 +79 +119 +167 +247 +367 +587 +827 - -
3 Image:Ring_Dual_Sword.png‎ Ring Dual Sword 60 347 ~ 534 199 4.0% 1.8 290Silver(s) 10Silver(s) +23 +33 +47 +97 +145 +203 +300 +447 +714 +1004 +1323 +1642
3 Image:Zabad_Dual_Sword.png Zabad Dual Sword 70 433 ~ 666 243 4.0% 1.8 440Silver(s) 20Silver(s) +29 +41 +59 +118 +177 +248 +366 +544 +869 +1222 +1610 +1998
3 Image:Red-Eye_Dual_Sword.png‎ Red-Eye Dual Sword 80 541 ~ 833 288 4.0% 1.8 640Silver(s) 30Silver(s) +34 +47 +69 +139 +210 +293 +433 +643 +1028 +1447 +1908 +2369
4 Image:Hellgait's_Dual_Swords.png‎ Gem Dual Sword 90 811 ~ 1248 332 4.0% 1.8 850Silver(s) 40Silver(s) +36 +56 +81 +162 +249 +373 +585 +898 +1272 +1686 +2141 +2596
5 Image:Magrittes_Dual_Sword.png‎ Holy Dual Sword 100 1217 ~ 1872 531 4.0% 1.8 2Gold(s) 120Silver(s) 141Silver(s) +56 +84 +121 +243 +373 +561 +879 +1347 +1908 +2529 +3212 +3895
5 Image:Magrites_Dist_Dual_Sword.png‎‎ Dist Dual Sword 108 1825 ~ 2808 690 4.0% 1.8 2Gold(s) 930Silver(s) 195Silver(s) +84 +125 +182 +364 +561 +842 +1318 +2020 +2864 +3798 +4825 +5852

Rare Dual Swords

Tier Icon Name Level Dmg Aim Crit % Attack Rate +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
1 image:EvanDualSwords.png King Marlone's Evan Dual Swords 20 98~151 64 6% 1.8 +6 +9 +13 +28 +42 +60 +89 +132 +211 +297 - -
2 image:SpinDualSwords.png Zombie King's Spin Dual Swords 30 173~266 105 6% 1.8 +9 +10 +15 +22 +45 +67 +96 +141 +210 +336 - -
2 image:Giant Goblin King's Mon Dual Swords.png Giant Goblin King's Mon Dual Swords 40 248~382 146 6% 1.8 +15 +21 +31 +62 +93 +131 +194 +288 +462 +650 - -
2 image:MidianDualSwords.png Guardian's Midian Dual Swords 50 322~496 186 6% 1.8 +19 +27 +39 +79 +119 +167 +247 +367 +587 +827 - -
3 image:Giant Orc Captain's Ring Dual Swords.png Giant Orc Captain's Ring Dual Swords 60 399~614 229 6% 1.8 +23 +33 +47 +97 +145 +203 +300 +447 +714 +1004 +1323 +1642
3 image:Giant Harpy's Zabad Dual Swords.png Giant Harpy's Zabad Dual Swords 70 498~766 279 6% 1.8 +29 +41 +59 +118 +177 +248 +366 +544 +869 +1222 +1610 +1998
3 image:Marcha's Dual Swords.png Marcha's Dual Swords 70 541~833 304 8% 1.8 +29 +41 +59 +118 +177 +248 +366 +544 +869 +1222 +1610 +1998
3 image:Red-Eye_dual_sword.png Guardian Master's Red-Eye Dual Swords 80 622~958 331 6% 1.8 +34 +47 +69 +139 +210 +293 +433 +643 +1028 +1447 +1908 +2369
3 image:Red-Eye_dual_sword.png Cursed Knight's Red-Eye Dual Swords 85 653~1122 317 6% 1.8 +36 +56 +81 +162 +249 +373 +585 +898 +1272 +1686 +2141 +2596
4 image:Cursed Knight's Gem Dual Swords.png Cursed Knight's Gem Dual Swords 90 997~1561 332 6% 1.8 +56 +84 +121 +243 +373 +561 +879 +1347 +1908 +2529 +3212 +3895
4 image:Hellgait's Dual Swords.png Hellgait's Dual Swords 91 1545~2340 611 8% 1.8 +56 +84 +121 +243 +373 +561 +879 +1347 +1908 +2529 +3212 +3895
4 image:Cursed Knight's Gem Dual Swords.png Cursed Knight's Lord's Gem Dual Swords 95 1217~1872 531 6% 1.8 +56 +84 +121 +243 +373 +561 +879 +1347 +1908 +2529 +3212 +3895
5 Image:Magrittes_Dual_Sword.png‎ Magrite's Holy Dual Swords 100 1400~2153 611 6% 1.8 +56 +84 +121 +243 +373 +561 +879 +1347 +1908 +2529 +3212 +3895
4 image:SoulSlashDoubleSwords.png Soul Slash Double Swords 105 1522~2341 664 7% 1.8 +56 +84 +121 +243 +373 +561 +879 +1347 +1908 +2529 +3212 +3895
5 image:Bifrons DoubleSword.png Bifrons DoubleSword 105 2219~3412 839 7% 1.8 +125 +189 +273 +547 +842 +1262 +1979 +3031 +4296 +5698 +7240 +8782
5 image:Double Sword.png Double Sword 105 2342~3601 885 8% 1.8 +125 +189 +273 +547 +842 +1262 +1979 +3031 +4296 +5698 +7240 +8782
5 Image:Magrites_Dist_Dual_Sword.png‎‎ Magrite's Dist Dual Swords 108 2099~3229 794 6% 1.8 +84 +125 +182 +364 +561 +842 +1318 +2020 +2864 +3798 +4825 +5852
5 image:Nightmare Queen's Dual Swords.png Nightmare Queen's Dual Swords 114 3309~5090 1574 8% 1.8 +125 +189 +273 +547 +842 +1262 +1979 +3031 +4296 +5698 +7240 +8782
5 Untruthful Spirit Double Sword 114 3696~5686 1211 8% 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 image:Lava's Rod Double Sword.png Lava's Rod Double Sword 114 4268~6318 1121 5.2% 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 image:SeizedMartialArtsDoubleSword.png Seized Martial arts Double Sword 120 5862~9018 1387 7.0% 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 image:DemonicQueensDualSwords.png Demonic Queen's Dual Sword 130 10754~16566 3234 9.6% 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 image:IreusDualSwordsoftheTemple.png Ireus Dual Swords of the Temple 135 10994~16913 2808 8.0% 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - - -

See Also


Armors: Fighter, Cleric, Archer, Mage, Trickster, Crusader | Shields: Cleric, Fighter

Weapons: Fighter, Cleric, Archer, Mage, Trickster, Crusader

Purple Set Items: Fighter, Cleric, Archer, Mage, Trickster, Crusader, Jewellery

Accessories: Earrings, Necklaces, Rings, Pets

Materials: Potions, Scrolls, Stones

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