Talk:Job Change Quests

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See FiestaWiki:Protected page.


I propose the removal of methods involving stripping all equipments before spawning the first job change quest dungeon for the following reason

  • I believe it to be simply false that removal of equipment disables the target's attacks


If there is no response to this, I will go ahead and take them off. Icy 20:38, 12 March 2009 (CDT)

I was going to get started on this yesterday. I don't think I've seen anything conclusive that proves that your character's equipments (or lack of equips) affects your shadow in any meaningful way. I believe though that the whole theory came about due to the fact, that if you enter weaponless, your shadow will be too. (This is most noticeable with ranged-classes) I think though that it is only an animation-change with little difference or no difference to damage done. Seems easy enough to test. Lvramire 22:30, 12 March 2009 (CDT)

Icy you know yourself that in the game files it shows that your shadow has certain skills and x HP depending on the your class. There is nothing else that matters. I entered the job change with all Potions and Scrolls and buffs on and my shadow still had the same as when I entered without anything.Gandalfa82 02:10, 13 March 2009 (CDT)

Level-60 (Cleric)

There is a bit of a back-and-forth argument regarding the effectiveness of Heal/Rejuvenate aggro during the last part of the Job-Change. Some swear that it is a must to spam Heal/Rejuvenate to generate aggro, but others say it is completely useless inside this instance. In my personal experience, I would have to go with the latter. Since Clerics are the only class that really have any difficulty with this Job-Change, how should the article play out? Lvramire 22:30, 12 March 2009 (CDT)

From my own experience, self heals don't drawn attention from nearby monsters. You need to heal their target. Icy 05:53, 13 March 2009 (CDT)

Over Time and Spaces

I think something went wonky when I tried editing the image layout. It looked fine when I edited and previewed it but looks bad when I tried to view it on another computer. Revert :[

Lvramire 11:29, 14 March 2009 (CDT)

Never revert when Gand is around :D I think I know what you are trying to do and I think I can make it work :) Gandalfa82 11:56, 14 March 2009 (CDT)

Okay, I just viewed it on my laptop again and it looks perfectly fine. It's still the original layout as the one that looked so bad on the desktop. Does layout change depending on screen size? Lvramire 12:08, 14 March 2009 (CDT)
You probably seen it after my first set of revisions. But I have fixed it all again. Gandalfa82 17:16, 14 March 2009 (CDT)
Layout does change with screensize, because 1) the thumbnails that are outside tables are constrainted to be on the edge regardless of the window size and 2) this article is a low text density, high thumbnails density page such that 3) if the length of the text cannot accommodate for the amount of thumbnails, all sorts of bizarre overflow scenarios happen... for me. Icy 17:29, 14 March 2009 (CDT)
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