Talk:Quest List

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Quest Reward

Quest Experience and Gold has changed

Graveyard of the Dead series

There are at least two more The Graveyard of the Dead quests, but I completed them before I started on this guide. Hopefully someone who can get the data can add them. -LS

Consider it done. -OmegaX01

Started on Tabs, here's the code

Quest Starting NPC / Location Task Reward

Okay, at first I only wanted to put all the Quest Information into tabs, but some of the info seems to be out oft date. Especially money rewards are lower than in the quest my character currently works on. My lowest character ist lvl15, so I will try to double check and eventually correct the data.

Reformatting quest list

Anyone considering an overhaul of layout of data here using the above table code - hold ye horses please. I would like those to be done in a template form on data such as these - for ease of change. Also, I intend to make all the tables in the wiki uniform in style (not colour though :p) - but this would be easy to change anyway, using templates. Templates allow change to appearances of tables without having to apply the change in formatting to every single one of them.

An example of this can be found in the sections on monsters.

Example here

 |Name=Sample Quest Name
 |NPC1=Starting NPC
 |NPC2=Rewarding NPC
 |Task=Do some stuff
 |Exp=Not very much
 |Money=a bit of money
 |Item1=A return scroll
 |Item2=Another return scroll
 |Choose1=Dim Gem Dust
 |Choose2=Dim Soul Dust
 |Choose3=Dim Spirit Dust
 |Choose4=All of the above
 |Com=Prerequisite: Do some stuff before this
50 Sample Quest Name Starting NPC Starting NPC Reward NPC
Not very much EXP, some Fame, a bit of money. A return scroll, Another return scroll. Choose between Dim Gem Dust, Dim Soul Dust, Dim Spirit Dust, All of the above
Do some stuff

Prerequisite: Do some stuff before this


Is it possible for this to adapted so that Fame, Exp, and Money are not mandatory? -- Dezza (Talk), 13/4/08 23:12 BST
Certainly, but why? Triumph Talk
Take the lv.60 "A Truth of the Man" quests - you don't get Exp or money on these -- Dezza (Talk), 13/4/08 23:46 BST
Fame? Triumph Talk
I've not come across one without fame yet, but there's no reason that there shouldn't be one - just makes it a bit more flexible. -- Dezza (Talk), 14/4/08 01:12 BST
In order to do the show/hide thing to variables, they need 
to be contained in a <></> tag in the template. If the <div> tag 
is used, it will automatically make a new line... What I did with 
the others is to enclose them in <i></i> tags, which of course 
could be done to the others. But you'd be looking at italic exp 
rewards and such :/ 

Henneath Alliance Mission

This is one of those quests that don't go away after 3 levels. Presumably it is available very early on due to its poor rewards. If anyone is certain about the minimum level for which this quest is available, please add this into the list.

NPC: Julian (Sand Hill)
REWARD: 330 EXP, 210c, 9 Fame
Note: Currently bugged.


New Flag of Elderine 1

Could someone look over the level 48 quest, New Flag of Elderine 1?

I added in the Item reward (unconfirmed, simply copy and pasted old reward) and now the Elrue [3] looks... super italicized. @.@ It shows up as double bracketed--is that intentional?

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