User talk:Stelio/ParserFunctions

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(This conversation is transcluded from User talk:Stelio/ParserFunctions to include multiple recipients without duplicating the message. Replying on that page will keep the conversation together. However, do note that this will not then trigger a new message notification for any pages in which it is transcluded.)

To: Triumph and Icy

Would you consider adding the ParserFunctions extension to this wiki? This would add more flexibility and power to the way that templates can be used. Specifically, I have some ideas about useful ways to parameterise repeated sections through the use of templates that should improve the consistency of wiki pages.

For a couple of examples of more complex templates I have written use the ParserFunctions, see:

(View the wiki source code for these pages to see how they work.)

ParserFunctions is a stable and well-established extension, safe enough that it is used on Wikipedia itself. :-)

If you are amenable, but unsure of how to add an extension, I can guide you through the (very simple) process since I'm a wiki administrator elsewhere myself.

Thanks, -Stelio 21:44, 14 March 2009 (CDT)

Neither Triumph nor I has direct access to the /wiki/ files. Also, I have been told that it is not viable to upgrade the wiki backend (1.6) due to compatibility with the hooks for vbulletin. The said extension requires 1.7. Entropy has access to the files - if you can assist in improving the version/extensions, then that's great, because as the templates are now, one can't employ any conditionals. Icy 23:12, 14 March 2009 (CDT)
Thanks for the quick reply! :-D Yes, it was conditional statements that I too thought would be most useful.
So if the sticking point are the vBulletin parser hooks, perhaps I could update the underlying PHP code that governs those hooks. Then that allows the wiki version to be updated, and all the additional benefits that entails (including the possibility of adding this extension).
Well, I don't know if I can do it without seeing the code, but I may as well ask Entropy. Thanks again!
-Stelio 23:28, 14 March 2009 (CDT)
Entropy has replied to your original query. If you proceed to chopping away at the backend codes, could you please keep me up to date as well? Thanks. Icy 23:31, 10 April 2009 (CDT)
Thanks for the heads up (although I had e-mail notification set up already). I will of course keep you updated of any progress once there is some. :-) -Stelio 02:42, 11 April 2009 (CDT)
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