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How many cities are there? If you consider Roumen, Elderine, Uruga and Vera, that's four. Is Sand Hill a City? If so, why is it listed on the same listing as the other 'cities' in the world map directory, but not on the same level as the other cities on the Main Page. Lvramire 13:25, 17 March 2009 (CDT)

If we consider Sand Hill a city, would we have to consider Forest of Mist one too? Or does it need to have storage to be a city? Joshbl56 17:02, 17 March 2009 (CDT)

That's actually highly non-trivial! But I would say, a city needs to have the vendor NPCs, a storage keeper, a guild manager, and a town chief. Won't do without any one of them. This means that Forest of Mist, Sand Hill, and Burning Rock do no qualify, even though they have groups of NPCs. They are camps. Icy 20:17, 17 March 2009 (CDT)
Alright. Just asking because someone listed Vera as the 5th city, not the 4th, so I just wanted to ask before dismissing it out of hand. Lvramire 22:13, 17 March 2009 (CDT)
I find that an excellent objective rule of thumb is the following:
  • If it's an area of NPCs that you can respawn in on death, then it's a town. (Obviously this excludes Kingdom Quests and Dungeons.)
  • If you can use the Character Hide mode in a town, then it's a city. (The Character Hide is when you press Shift+Z (by default) to hide other characters, reducing the graphics load time fro folks suffering from lag; note that this hides normal speech as well, but not whispers, shouts and so on.)
This gives the following results for maps with NPCs:
  1. Roumen — city
  2. Forest of Mist — neither
  3. Elderine — city
  4. Sand Hill — town
  5. Goblin Camp — neither
  6. Uruga — (not tested yet)
-Stelio 01:23, 18 March 2009 (CDT)
Are you sure you can spawn in Sand Hill by any other means than the Portals or Scrolls? Icy 09:19, 18 March 2009 (CDT)
Yeah, I've died in Sand Hill before and it sends you to the little camp there Joshbl56 14:58, 18 March 2009 (CDT)
In that case, I replaced fourth with fifth for the time being. Clarica 12:09, 19 May 2009 (CDT)
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