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For a discussion of the generic term 'spam' please refer to

In the context of Fiesta, spamming is performing a repeated action continuously and in rapid succession. Although it is most often used to refer to unwanted messages, it is also used to describe other actions that may indeed be desired.


Spam messages

An example of messages from spambots (website addresses have been obscured)

From bots

Spambots often stand along major routes for maximum impact

Spambots are characters that are controlled by an automated script with the sole purpose of advertising a message. Typically they advertise external websites that offer in-game benefits in return for real money. Such services are against the Fiesta Terms of Service and you should never attempt to use them or your account may be deleted.

They will usually stand in a city (mostly Roumen followed by Elderine) along a major route in order to be heard by the maximum number of players. They may use any combination of whispers, talks and shouts to communicate their message.

What you should do:

  • You can stop all lines of communication from a spambot to you by blocking them. To do this, right-click on their name or message in the chat box and select 'Block'. You will never hear from that character again.
  • You should also send a message to a GM (if you can) to notify them of the spambot's character name. They will then remove that character from the system entirely.

From players

Sometimes players will send spam messages using the chat box. Typically these are requests for Clerics to cast Endure on them (of the form 'buff plz' or similar) or begging requests for money or items. Less often you may consider some traders' messages to be spam if they repeat their message frequently, or you may find a particular user's conversation to be inappropriate.

What you should do:

  • Give the player the benefit of the doubt in the first instance, and send them a message pointing out that their behaviour is inappropriate and help show them the correct etiquette. You should find that you will be more effective in influencing someone's behaviour if you are polite and treat them with respect.

On Fiestawiki

Any wiki is a target for generic spam from automated accounts. For this reason, all editing on FiestaWiki is restricted to registered users only, and there are systems in place to limit the automatic creation of accounts by bots.

Other uses of the term 'spam'

'Spam' may be used as an adjective to refer to any repeated action. Typically this term is used to refer to a player using one of their active skills as often as the cooldown rate allows. Common examples are:

  • Spam healing, in which a Cleric continuously heals a target, usually the player who is tanking against a powerful monster and receiving all or most of the damage that the monster inflicts.
  • Spam mock and kick, in which a Fighter uses their skills to draw aggro away from other players, often because that Fighter is tanking for the group.

The best way to increase the efficiency of your skill-spamming is to use your skill points to reduce the skill's cooldown time. Secondary ways to increase efficiency would be to increase the power of the skill (if appropriate) so that it has a greater effect each time you use it, and to reduce the SP consumption of the skill so that you can use it for longer without needing to replenish your SP.

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