General Tips

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This section is general tips and secrets for Newbie Players and even high level grinders who couldn't take a breather and don't know about these =\.

This will be divided into Tiers - since tier is used in game might as well use it here =]

Some people might hate me for posting this because they want the upper hand and abuse the economy but eh, im quitting so might as well make my exit big XD bbuhahaha im evil lol

I know i am missing some information but this is all my brain can handle ;; ill post it if i remember anymore! good luck guys!!!

  • Common sense basically means information people will find out eventually throughout their game play, it is here just to help accelerate their gaining of knowledge.
  • Knowledge means information that has been thought through. Some of these information, people just ignore and play on but eventually by noticing but most likely by being told by other players.
  • Secrets means information that was gained by people's constant observation and interest in a certain aspect, and they usually keep information to themselves because it would give them the upper hand but will eventually leak out. Everything from this point are just beliefs, not 100% but a good percent is true or it just might be superstition.
  • Rare Information is self explanatory, it is information very few people know about and usually overlooked because the hard leap at the begining.


Tier1 | Common Sense

  • Shift-Z hides all nearby characters. This is useful when you pop into Roumen just to turn in quests, get skills, etc. -Cannot use if in any party.-
  • Tab is a fast way to select the nearest monsters on your screen.
  • Ranged/distance skills/attacks can go through anything and everything.
  • White boxes around items means tier1, yellow means tier2, green means tier3, and blue means tier4.
  • Equipments that are dropped from monsters usually have Green Names and added stats.
  • Lumps are good for npcing for cash:

Copper Lump = 100copper

Silver Lump = 1 Silver

Gold Lump = 10 Silvers (Was 20 silvers in cb1.)

Gem Lump = 100 Silvers (Probably but needs confirmation.)

Badges are also useless so far.

  • Every title comes with a bit of fame.
  • For clerics, a must do is increase the cool down of Invincibility (Supposed to be called Damage Asorbtion), 5 points gives 7.5seconds extra length, almost double original amount
  • Every class should get every skill they can get, the empower points are meant to be used as empowering skills, not to acquire or to get them higher. Empower points DO carry over to the next level when you buy it from the skill npc and upgrade it. Clerics have the most skills to purchase.
  • There are 4 types of side effects:

Poisons - Periodic damage, sometimes they can remove hp every two seconds or five seconds, depends on the type of enemy that cast it.

Curses - Side effects that are so annoying.

Bleeding - Same as poison basically.

Others - such as stun

  • When you select a mosnter, there is two bars, the left red (hp) and the right (blue). And there are two mini pictures between the bars and the middle monster picture, the left is the type of monster. General means weak/normal. Elite means stronger. Chief means strongest. Hero means special monster. Hero monsters are incredibly rare but I never took one on so i don't know if their stronger than cheifs, most likely they are. Chief monster usually appear in KQ only because of their abnormal stats but if you see them in a field, better bring backup.

The right mini-circle means the type of monster it is:

Elementals drops dusts, and fruit.

Spirits monsters also drop dusts and fruit.

Humans drops dusts and vanished signs(and sign of trace.)

Summoneds Beasts drop meat, bone, summoned beast leather, and higher levels drop summoned beast tail.

Beasts drop dogtooth, beast leather, leather, meat, bones.

Undeads drops dusts and bones.

Ghosts drop dusts and bones also.

Of course these are not definite since a high level monster that is a Summoned Beast type still drop Spirit/Elemental drops.

From what i seen, the drop rate of spirit/elemental/human/undeads/ghosts with dusts will vary. Some drop soul dust more and some drop dim dusts and some spirit dusts more. Not really sure, need confirmation.

  • If you see a different type a monster like Bored or Sharp or something and their surrounded by three other different types of monsters with names that you don't usually recognize, then they are commonly referred to as gang monsters and they travel in a pack. They can be separated but if its just you, they will attack you all together.
  • There are 6 types of fields.

Town Field - Self-explanatory.

Normal Field - Regular maps you get to by going through a portal

Cave Field - A map with monsters and ores to mine.

Dungeon Field - Generally, its the same as a Cave Field and it has monsters that are Caved ____ monsters but these mosnters are more difficult. These maps are more for quests and have a 10 level range from 30-39 40-49 and 50-59, so on so forth. If you die in these field, you still lose exp but you respawn at the entrance, not back to town. Also these fields usually have two or more treasure chests at a single time.

Kingdom Quest Field - Maps designed for Kingdom Quests, btw you will see a certain Kingdom Quest Design fairly often =\.

Special Field - Maps like Prisons or maps only for GMs, these are usually off-access to regular players.

Tier2 | Game Knowledge

  • Magic Damaging type monsters deal a lot of damage but they usually are easily hit and low hp.
  • Archer/ranged-physical attack monsters are a big pain because they almost never miss and they have either high range damage, or fast speedy damage with low damage (friggen procks with their hacking attack speed)
  • Production Skills are only available up to tier1, after that only a few are available. Only avaliable scrolls after tier1 are Magic def (which is really useful), evasion increase, sp increase, aim increase (with typo of increase POWER instead of AIM), and divine magic.
  • Divine Magic Tier2 and Antidote Tier2 can cure tier2 and tier3 curses/poisons.
  • You can join a Kingdom Quest anytime/anywhere. There is no need to be next to a NPC in Roumen or Elderine. In the upper right on your mini-map, there is a Hour Glass button. Using that, you can get into a KQ while leveling and you can continue to level while a KQ is recruiting and it will teleport you when it is time to start, there is no need to be near a NPC.
  • If you have a shop open and your signed up for a Kingdom Quest, a system message will pop-up asking you to close your shop, this really isn't useful unless the Kingdom Quest filled up easily and you realized your friends didn't get into it, this way you wont be forced into the Kingdom Quest and can join the next one, otherwise just try to avoid shopping when you signed up for a Kingdom Quest, it will stop trying to teleport you after 30 seconds.If you want to quit from a Kingdom Quest that you signed up for, then just hit the Cancel button.
  • The Tab function only works on monsters in your range of vision around 13m on YOUR screen, not around your character. For you to tab a monster, you have to actually have it on your screen, but monsters that are in range and are blocked by objects.
  • Bones are almost useless, they are only good for resist and cure potion productions but very few people buy them, its better off if you npc them.
  • Blessed stones for refining equipment is more of a "safer" method of upgrading. It has either a smaller "Break" rate or higher success rate.
  • Lucky stones have the ability for more than 1 refinement at once, as far as I know, it can do two refinements with one stone in one instant.
  • In the level 20 class upgrade quest, when you enter the room with the blue light, you can finish off the warrior and archer in there instead of facing them with your doppleganger if you do not think you can beat it easily.
  • Potions after tier1 should be used for emergency cases only. Do not use them instead of Stones. Tier1 potions should be used as often as possible~ fast cooldown/good heal rate/etc NPC potions if you have an excess, one potion can usually make 3-10 stones. Stack of tier2 potions is worth 5 Silvers and stack of tier3 potions are worth 13 silvers.
  • Mini-dolls are nearly worthless but they give the same stats as Kebling and Honeybee mini-dolls.

Honeybee mini-dolls are worth 2 silvers and some copper.

Kebling mini-dolls are worth 7 silvers.

Many people sell all dolls at the same price of 3-5 silvers, a good way to make a short profite is to buy the underpriced Kebling doll and npc it.

  • Refinement/Enhancement is mostly useful when you get it to +6, but +5 alone is suitable. at +1 to +4, the bonuses are barely noticeable. Only after +5 or +6, the bonuses will show in combat.
  • Combat is like most modern games. Just because your weapon says +50 attack, you will not do +50 more damage on monsters. The +50 attack will be counted into your Total Attack and then some how it will calculate into against the target. Level is a big difference, which limits the damage you will do. If its red, you'll probably do minimal damage. Of course the same thing can be said with def. Figther has a skill which decreases def on its target, and even if it says something similar to -30 def, you can probably do only 5 more damage if the monster is too high for you, or you will do +50 more damage if the monster is yellow. Just remeber there is a complicated system in combat and your attack does not equal your damage outcome.
  • There is one chest in every map except town maps. Spawn rate is currently unkown and spawn location is thought to be random but only 99% sure.

  • When you die in a Cave field, you will respawn at the entrance of the cave.

Tier3 | Secrets

  • Fame is almost entirely useless except for buying things from Item Merchant Nina in Elderine. Other than that, fame does not increase your success rate of items, does not lower npc prices, does not increase exp or drop rate. It has no other as of right now.
  • Refinement is not impossible, it is extremely easy with lower level equipment. All refinement has a certain position that is similar for all other duplicates of the type of equipment..

There are 8 slots in the refinement window but they do not all have the same rate.

Slots where you broke the equipment are most likely low success slots while if you just fail an refinement without downgrading or breaking, there is a better chance of it working.

All equipment have a different success boxes so you would have to find out for yourself, though some equipment have extremely similar success rate boxes.

The more expensive the equipment, the lower the success rate of all the boxes, meaning the chance of failing even from the highest success box is low.

All boxes have a success rate, failure rate, break rate, downgrade rate; but they are not all the same, some have lower and some have higher of each.

  • Free Stats (ones you get to invest into every level)...really do not have a major effect on the player, they are mostly just "bonuses." The stats you gain from rings do more than the stats you put in a level, if you compare them 1 normal stat vs 1 free stat. But free stats adds shield block and crit which are probably the only important stats. 1 End from your level up or from a ring will grant you 1 def, however your Free Stat End will take 2 or 3 End for 1 whole def point. Stats are best when you carefully invest into one or two stats.

This all personal opinion of course.

  • The "hitting participate when the clock turns to x:02 or something" or when you receive the system message for kingdom quest in the bottom right never worked for me, however what worked for me was in the kingdom quest window, where the text says "On Schedual," when it changes into "Recruiting," that usually gets me into the Kingdom Quest without any trouble.

Tier4 | Rare Information

  • Licenses are not useless, each level after Dominator(35% more damage), you gain +1% crit added to your weapon. The order after Dominator goes by:

Destroyer (40% +1% crit)

Slayer (50% +2% crit)

Terminator (60% +3% crit)

Annihilator (70% +4% crit)

Conqueror (80% +5% crit)(Thanks sasuke for this info)

It does not end here but most likely we wont find out till later CB3 or at least OB, each monster has a cap at how high you can raise the License's level. Also the higher the licenses can go, the more monster you need to kill for each level; for example, let's say you need to kill 25 Ratman to go from Ratman Killer to Ratman Executioner then another 25 to Assassin, then another 25 Elimenator, then another 25 to Dominator, and that is the cap for ratman. However for a Harkan, let's say you need 800 for each level and since they can go up to Annihilator, you will need to kill (9 levels * 800 Harkans) = 7,200 Harkans for it to max out (Amount needed for each level are not definite.)

The earliest monster for Destroyer title can be obtained is by the Grave Robber (As far as I know.)

The title I got for Slayer title is Fire Vivi, but probably most monsters higher than zombie can go up to Slayer.

Earliest title for Terminator I got is from Goblin Swordsman, I'm guessing Goblin Camp monsters.

Annihilator can be acquired from Harkans and above.

Conqueror can be received from any Uruga monsters.

The crit bonuses do not stack, you will always get the higher crit amount.

  • Decomposition is a very useful skill. Many people tend to ignore it because it requires Alchemy Stones which are bought for fame. Despite the fact that you need to get it to a good few hundred points before you can actually decompose the stuff you want, they are worth it.

Other than the ores you get from mining, if you use decomposition, you can get around 70-80% of the item you decompose back.

-Example - 100 Copper Ore (Normal Quality) will give you 200 Copper Ore (Low Quality) and if you recycle, you will be able to gain 50 Copper Ore (Normal Quality) back. Thats 100 points in decomposition and 50 points in composition.

Once you are able to Composite Common Mushroom, you will be able to level up Decomposition and Composition a lot faster. 100 Common Mushrooms can make 900 Spoiled Mushrooms and remake 81 Common Mushrooms and have 9 remaining Spoiled Mushrooms.

Composition things after Copper Ore will grant more than just 1 point, Mushrooms will probably grant 2 points each one you create while tender meat will grant you 3 points.

Leveling Composition is the fastest way to level up Decomposition where all production are worth only 1 point, even in Tier2 (i know of two people who have tier3 scrolls already, 3 soon if fireriot catches up ;p)

The importance of Decomposition is to be able to make many low level required items for scrolls potions and stone productions.

-Example: 1 Crude Leather = 11 Torn Leathers, 1 Beast Dogtooth (Normal Quality) = 15 Beast Dogtooth (Low Quality), 1 Summoned Beast Leather (Normal Quality) = 14 Summoned Beast Leather (Low Quality).

With these techniques, it would simple to reach tier2 of any production skill.

  • When refining, the equipment you put in the refinement window will turn dark in your inventory and you would not be able to highlight it. Right when you click on "Refine" the outcome of the item is already decided, and it will disappear from your inventory before the refinement gamble is done spinning, this is a easy way to know if your refinement will disappear or not, not much use for this information besides knowing if your item will break or not.
  • May be supersition but...CleverFigther title has increase damage for my fighter (though only by 2) and this applies to all other classes.

The Enhancement Artist title has given me more success rates of refinement than having some other title, so i'm pretty sure every enhancement title will give a small boost in success.

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