Cleric Guide

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A cleric is one of the classes avialable in Fiesta Online. While they may have lower attack compared to others, their defence is second only the fighter, and they can heal others.

While it is true that characters can use HP stones and HP Potions, such items have cooldown times, and cost money. A cleric significantly reduces the amount of such items you will need to consume, thus saving money.

Being the only class who can effectively heal others, it is important that clerics heal their party members. Also, clerics can deal damage whenever healing is not requried.

The following short guide will provide a few tips on how to effectively play a cleric to maximize its fullest potential.

Playing Tips

General Tips

  • In your lower levels, you will not need to use many HP stones, however - when you get to higher levels and begin to party with people, it's a wise decision to use them on yourself so you can keep your partymates alive if they have several mobs or more on them.
  • Cure can cure bleeding, as bleeding is considered as poison. However, currently there is no way to tell the tier of a bleeding spell, but there is no harm in trying to cure it once. If it doesnt work, it is because the bleeding is of too high a tier to be cured by your cure.

Party Tips

  • Use F1~F5 to quickly select a party member. After selecting them, you can heal or buff them.
  • Use the "Tab" button on the keyboard to quickly select an enemy. Press it again to change target.
  • It is generally recommended that you attack the monster that is being attacked by your party member, or that is attacking your party member, so that you do not provoke more monsters and get attacked more.
  • The "assist" action is for selecting the target of your target.
  • If multiple members require healing, and you do not have recover or it is cooling, use Heal on the one who needs it most, followed by Restore on the next party member.
  • The one who needs it most is usually the one being attacked.
  • Try and use restore as often as possible on injured party members.
  • Use invincible if you will not be able to heal fast enough to save your member's life. If you know or believe that such a situation will not occur in the next 2 minutes, you may also want to use invincible to lessen the amount of healing required, allowing you to attack more. It can be also used on the tanker or on yourself while you revive another player.
  • Recast all buffs when they expire. It is recommended that you recast them a few minutes before they expire.
  • Use cure as soon as possible when you or a member is hit by poison or illness.



The mace is the basic weapon for Clerics. Its a bit more accurate then a hammer. Its attack speed is
slightly higher. As far as damage goes its really outclassed by the hammer, if one is
having accuracy problems, one should switch to using a mace but it is not recommended to do this before level 40.


The hammer is slower and less accurate than the mace. However, its higher damage may appeal to certain players.
Many clerics will use hammers, then switch to using a mace after level 40.



This is your basic heal. Fast casting, and a quick recharge make it delightfully spam-able. Thus, it is very useful when tanking massive amounts of mobs, or keeping yourself alive in PVP.

Skill Empowerment:

- 3 or 4 points into SP Consumption.

- For spammibality purposes (insanely fast heal speed): 5 points into Decrease Cooldown Time. Important, especally if you are planning to party a lot.

- Another useful empowerment is overall power, as it raises the heal dramatically. Recommended for anyone who Isn't a full END cleric


Image:Bash1.jpegThis is your basic high-damage attack skill, well worth the money and the SP it consumes.

Skill Empowerment:

- 4-5 points into Power (best bet is 5), 1-2 into SP Consumption.

- 3-5 points into Decrease Cooldown Time.


Image:Protect1.jpegThis is your first, life-saving party buff. It increases Defense and Damage to you and your party. Empowerment is unneeded for this skill.


Image:Resist1.jpegYet another great buff. This one increase Magic Defense and Mage Damage to you and your party. Having a Mage in your party, while you cast this buff, may earn you some love! Again, empowerment is unneeded here.


Image:Cure1.jpegA great de-buff. When someone is poisoned, you or anyone, cast this buff to cure the poison. Great for that stupid, annoying poison! Empowerment unneeded.


Image:Immune1.jpegThis comes in handy in the higher levels. This skill makes you a little bit more immune to poisons and illnesses. However, your chances of getting poisoned/sick are still up for grabs, even when this skill is cast. If you were wondering, at level 31 it increases your poison/illness resistance by 10%. At level 49, it increases the resistance by 15%. No empowerment needed. NOTE: This skill does NOT resist curses.


Image:Endure1.jpegYour most exciting and effective buff (in my opinion). This buff can be cast on anyone. At level 47, it increases HP by 410, and SP by 390. Very useful when partying, or going against mobs that hit hard. If someone said this buff was bad, I'd tell them to get their head checked. Empowerment unneeded yet again, in this skill.


Image:Stoneskin1.jpegStoneskin is a seemingly pointless / "bad" buff. It, however, is extremely good. It increases your block rate by 1% at level 37, and by 2% at level 51. It is a Self buff, obviously meaning you can't cast it on anyone but yourself. Some people say, "Well, it's 1% - that is so bad!" I just shake my head, for this reason: 1 END = 0.1% Block Rate. This shows that Stoneskin gives the same block rate as 10 levels of END. My point proven that it is very good. No empowerment needed here.

Bleed and Trip

Image:Bleed1.jpeg Image:Trip1.jpeg Both the same skill, just for different weapons. Bleed is for a Mace, Trip is for a Hammer. These skills simply do extra damage when attacking, much like Bash. However, their damage is considerably lower than Bash's. In fact, level 21 Bash does roughly 120 damage more than level 40 Trip / Bleed!

NOTE: If you know what weapon you will be using for the level 40s and 50s, buy the skill according to your choice. That way, you don't have to buy two skills, as they are very costly. Example: I know, that for level 40 and 50, I will be using a Mace. Therefore, I'm only going to buy Bleed, since Trip will be pointless to me.

- 5 points into Power, 2 into SP Consumption.


Image:Invincible1.jpegWhen you are in your lower levels, you will not need to use this skill much, but it's still highly suggested that you buy it. When you cast this on a player, the skill absorbs the damage done by the monsters on that person, for ten seconds. It will save your bottom in the higher levels, when the high damage of many of those darn monsters goes onto a party member, or yourself. I find that empowerment is unneeded for this skill, though I realize lots of people like to empower it's duration; so I'll add it in.

- 3-5 points into Duration. - Don't empower this until your later levels (level 40+).

Other Tips

Dealing with rude people

When rude players outside your party demand that you heal them or buff them, and are not polite, you do not have to heal or buff them. In fact, you should not do so. You may think you are helping them, but if you help them you are in fact reinforcing the incorrect belief that they can get what they want by being rude and demanding. Moreover, most players do not like rude people. Instead, it is recommended that you either ignore them, or explain to them that you will not heal or buff rude people. If they harass or stalk you, report them to the GM's (Game Masters) of your service provider and block them

Kingdom Quests

I cannot stress enough that what you as a cleric should do in a KQ is heal, heal, heal heal! Do not worry about attacking the mobs, only focus on keeping your part-members alive, and ressurecting those who have fallen. Also, if there are few clerics in your KQ group, make sure you revive them FIRST before other classes. This is so that the amount of fallen will revive faster with multiple revives, and your KQ will not ultimately fail.

And once again, do not worry about attacking mobs. Just SUPPORT.

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Most parties want at least one cleric. Many higher leveled players will party with lower clerics in a duo team, just remember to ask them politely if they would like to duo (if you are lower leveled) and remember that they need to kill mobs within 30 levels of your lowest level, otherwise you will only gain 1 XP per kill. Fiesta implemented this to prevent extreme power-leveling.

Keeping your party-members (and yourself) alive

Usually, this isn't very difficult, but there will be times you may come into peril. Generally you will only need to spam heal and keep them buffed, but when a party-member gets multiple aggros, heal, and cast restore, and continue healing. If they are a squishy class (archer or mage) or just have too many aggros to handle in general, heal, cast invincible when their health is high, cast restore, cast rejuvenate when the invincible skill wears off (this should grab the hate of some of the mobs not being attacked, and they will aggro you. Just cast restore on yourself and use stones when needed, and keep healing your party-mate.) Remember that although rejuvenate has a 0.8 second cast-time and restore only heals a small amount of hp per second, they are still very useful skills, and just because you're a cleric doesn't mean you should be afraid to use hp stones.

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