Money Making

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Welcome to official FiestaFan's money making guide!
== Basics ==
It's simple. Everyone needs money for grinding, skills, armor, weapons, Etc... This list could go on.
However making money is not as hard as you might think. I will list a few basic ways to make money in this game.
=== NPC Selling ===
The most basic way to make quick cash. Just kill monsters, gather their drops and sell them to NPC shops, simple as that. Things such as ore lumps (copper lump, silver lump, etc) sell fairly nice when you can get your hands on them.
'''Things you should sell to NPC shops:'''
Greens with bad stats -(Ex:A sword with +19 int and +1 str)
Ore lumps -(Copper, Silver, and Gold)
Materials nobody needs - (Crushed bones..etc etc)
Npc gear from quests (Unless you don't already have that gear)
===Slayhn's Money Making by Reselling===
You need to separate your money into two piles:  spending money & working money. If you don't get what I mean, spending money is your allowance, working money is the money that works itself to make you more spending money. I personally like to keep about 90% of my money working. It shows amazing results. Your 10% spending money will end up being 1g+. 
Now you ask, well how do I start making money reselling?  Buy cheap and sell high.  Learn the market.  If you want to sell specific items, learn how much people will pay.  Items that are constantly used for skill-ups have high demands and people will pay big money for fast skill-ups.  If you have a little real money laying around, extra vendor slots yields a lot of money. You always have to be on the hunt for cheap materials/items.  Just because someone is selling something for X amount doesn't mean they wont sell for X - Y amount.  Don't be shy, haggle with them and get more for your money.  In turn, when you sell, haggle and sell more quicker as long as you make a nice profit margin.  Buy from desperate people who need money and sell to people who have money.  Higher level people tend to be lazy and less frugal. If it is possible, always have a vendor going when you aren't playing.  Going AFK for 10 minutes?  Put up a vendor and make a little dough.  Think about items that people would hate to grind to get.
Remember always have a good amount of money working.  Keep it working.  It is a circle that will yield great results.  If you ever want some tips, feel free to message me.  Slayhn - Master Merchant (Bijou)
== Very Easy Money ==
Dont listen to those people who tell u to earn profit. I'm gonna tell u the real and easiest way of earning money.
First, get to lvl 47. Then talk to the blacksmith in elderine. He will give u a quest(repeatable) on killing goblin captains and obtaining 30 helmets(helmets not so rare). Everytime u complete this quest, u get 2 concentration(T2)s, they sell for at least 7s each. Keep on doing this quest and u will keep on getting concentration(T2)s.
keep an eye on ur exp. If ur about to lvl, then die(this is also a great way of earning death titles) and lose exp till ur exp is back at 0% because the repeatable quest is only avaliable for lvl 47s. KEEP THAT IN MIND!
=== Another way to make easy money ===
*First of all you will need mining skill (Bought through Skill Master Ruby or one of the four skill masters in elderine) and a pickaxe (Bought through one of the item merchants) and a weapon or something to defend yourself with.
*Second : Go to Echo Cave (entrances are found in Forest of Tides, Sand Beach and Sea of Greed
*Third : Find a good spot where usually no one goes to and start mining (note: Slanderer Phinoflies are really annoying if you aren't a high enough level because they constantly attack you and do lots of damage) (Another note: if you aren't over level 25, DO NOT GET NEAR CAVE ARCHMAGE BOOKS!!! They are aggressive and do huge amounts of damage so don't even try to get near one if you aren't a high enough level).
*Fourth : Once you have at least 100 or so Low Quality Copper Ores, a few Copper Ores and a few High Quality Copper ores, go back to town and sell (I prefer to sell my things around the area where you appear at if you die).
*Prices I sell my things for: Copper Ores (Low Quality) = 30 or 35c...Copper Ores = 60c...Copper Ores (High Quality) = 100 to 115c... I haven't sold any Topazes yet so i haven't estimated the price.
*Tip : There is a bigger chance that someone will choose to buy from you over your competition by copying their store title, and addind "CHEAPER" if front of it. For example if your competition has a store named "COPPER ORES", you should name your store "CHEAPER COPPER ORES"
MyComputer-Edited by mmPeter
=== Tips on making profits ===
Here are some tips on what to sell and at what prices to get you some profits:
* 1) When you open up your shop to BUY (instead of sell), price your ingredients lower than the product you will sell later on. Though, this already should be common sense.
Ex: I can buy 5c or 6c per spirit fruit AND 7c per Tough Meat, then make HP Pots, and sell them each for 25-35c. (Though I usually do it at 30-33c), and just by that, your 10-11c/ingredients can make up to about 25c profit per HP pot, depending on your price, and if you had 50 HP pots, that's 1s and 250c already! Not the best example, but quick money since HP pots sell pretty fast for me.<br><br>
* 2) Buy ingredients for a skill you don't have for lower the price you can sell it for. NPCing is what, 3-4c sometimes? Give or take? Well, if you buy say, old dusts for 5c or 6c, then sell them for like 8-11c, you can make some profit there. Though it may be a bit slow, it's still good money if you don't have that skill and don't wanna bother selling Elrues. (right now, the stone economy is pretty low since everybody has that skill, so I decided to sell the mats and they do sell quick!)<br><br>
* 3) SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Yeah, saving money does help. :P Basically save up, don't buy a skill or weapon you don't really really need until you figure you do need it. <br><br>
* 4) QUEST! In simple terms, (some) quests give you good exp and a reasonable amount of money. Heh.<br><br>
* 5) Slime KQ -- try it! I think slime KQs give the best prizes (well, this is based from my own personal experience), but still, KQs in general can give you really awesome prizes. If you do enough slime KQs, you can level really fast and maybe have tons of pre-enhanced weapons or something to sell.
My first KQ I got a +6 wep, then a +5 and then a lot of +2s and +3s. I enhanced them up to +4s and +5s if lucky, and sold it for QUITE a profit altogether. (: Though, haha, this is pretty time consuming if you don't get anything good.<br><br>
* 6) Grinding during your higher levels -- Again, in simple terms: Good EXP (if you're grinding with the right crowd) and a good or great amount of money when you NPC drops. <br><br>
* 7) Farming -- Farming herbs or stuff on high-leveled maps can really be helpful when you NPC it. However, it's pretty time-consuming and sometimes you might die, if you get mobbed.
Best way if your feeling strong. If you fight Marlone or King Marlone there's a chance of getting a special weapon (+ i think too) from him. If you ever get these sell them for a HIGH PROFIT. I would recommend level 29 for King Marlone and level 29+ for Marlone. Fighteruser
There's a great spot in AEW (Ancient Elven Woods) that has tons of woods around. The only problem is that if you're too low level, someone could drag back a Spider Queen, and kill everyone there. Also, because it's so great, many people get very territorial over it. I'll up date with coordinates in a minute, but for anyone that's been there, it's in the Red Trumpy zone. booyah8877
* 8) Mining is a great way to make money! If you go to Uruga Golden Cave and mine gold, then sell to NPC you make a great deal of money!
Feel free to add on!
==Advanced Methods==
The most common choice for money making is Alchemy. Alchemy is divided into 5 portions in Fiesta.
Another great way to make money is doing quests for fame and then buying alchemy stones from item merchant Nina in Elderine any level of them will do but to make the best profit you buy level 1 alchemy stones and sell the for 20 copper to 15 copper i sell them for 17 copper each in quantities of 5 sets of 50. if you sell them for this price you will make 850 copper every 50 alchemy stones and if you sell them in quantities of 5 sets of 50 each you will make close to 4 silver be aware they sell very fast.
====Potion Production====
Potion Production is more difficult and chosen less often as the Stone Production skill. Potions require at least three materials, and the price most will buy at will be around 20-30c. Vending potions will be difficult, so it is not recommended for those with little patience.  However, there is benefit from being able to create you own potions, so while this may not be the best money making skill, it could be a useful skill to have overall.
====Stone Production====
Stone Production is also a very popular Alchemy skill. Required for enhancement, enhancement stones usually bring a decent price. Due to the large number of stones used and the high rate of failure, there will always be a demand for enhancement stones, despite the large number of people taking up the skill.
A very good way to make a lot of money with lixs[1] is to buy 150 elrues[1](anymore will be very hard to hold or store since there are only stacks of 10).  Each elrue you should buy for no more than 100c.  At a 100c each, almost anyone will sell to you.  The 150 elrues should not cost more than 15s total.  Then go to echo cave and mine 150 lq copper ore.  You usually get a lot of topaz and other copper ore so this isn't a waste of time.  If there is no one there and you don't get attacked by phinoflies (after level 25 or so), 150 copper takes 25-30 minutes.  Then you go back to Roumen or Elderine (depending on if you want to sell to noobs or not) and make your 50 lixs.  In the process you get 200 skill points for stone production and at the same time you can sell the 50 lixs for 1s-1.5s.  Anything higher than 1.5s isn't worth thrying.  Already at 1.5s you are making a net profit of 60s (75s - 15s for elrues).  At 1s you only make a profit of 35s.  This process is still relatively efficient and profitable.  I found out xirs are a loss of time because you need tree times as many elrues to make the same amount of xirs as lixs.  You also need topaz which is relatively uncommon or even rare in some cases.  So just stick to lixs until you get up to tier 2.  Then the process is kindof pointless because more profit is available (especially in Elderine).
Hope this helps!!! :-P  -AwesomeX
====Material Composition====
This skill will require copious amounts of capital. From the beginning, there will be very little profit, if any at all. After a certain point, there will be possibility for profit.
====Material Decomposition====
Similar to Material Composition, this skill will require capital as well. However, there is profit almost immediately - Tier 2 ingredients can be decomposed into Tier 1 items, which can usual counterbalance the costs for production. A bit more profit can be generated from Material Decomposition over Material Composition, but not much.
==The Economy==
===The Money Tree===
Here I will explain the Economy.  I hope you understand and use it to decide which way your going to take.
1. Farmers - The lowest branch of the tree, they farm mats; since no money is spent acquiring the mats, whatever the revenue from their sale is pure profit.  This is one of the best ways to make money.
2. Decomposition - The second lowest branch of the tree, involves buying materials to decompose and sell.  Also provides good profit.
3. The Middleman - Buys mats for a high price, uses them to create new products, then sells those products for a low price while still pulling a small profit.  The goal here is to constantly move products, upgrade your production skills, and sell better products for a cheaper rate so you are constantly buying and selling.  It's low profit in the beginning, but only improves with time.
4. The Vendors - People who vend for long periods of time, selling things at retail price.  Receives good profit per sale, but sales are generally slow. Similar in profit to the middleman, although much less work is involved in this area as no gathering or making is needed.
(This method is combining the 3rd and 4th tiers of the money tree.)
Proceed at your own risk....
I started making money by using the compose/decompose combo.  Buy vanished signs, compose and sell signs of trace.  Buy dim dusts, decompose and sell old dust.  etc, etc, etc.  Risk involved:  getting bored out of your mind and never playing the game again.  ><  That's what happened to me.  When I quit (about 4 months ago, after a few weeks of doing nothing but moneymaking) I had around 300s with the materials on hand for 9 gold.  (Takes to dang long to sell 30,000ish old dusts!) 500+ of ea dim.
'''Another Great Way to Make Steady Money'''
Another great way to earn money is by making a main character and leaving it at level 1. Make sure this is the character you want to level up in the future!  After that create another character, i would recommend a fighter for there high hp and strength.  Since all your characters use the same storage use your character that you don't want to keep and just kill stuff.  I would recommend getting the quests to and killing slimes until they stop giving you items then onto mushrooms etc.  After your around level 8 or so take all the items you have collected and put them into inventory.  You can either sell the items that you don't need from making skills or put them into inventory and save 5000 items for the title "Master Merchant".  Then delete the character that you just put all the items into inventory with and create a new character.  Then rinse and repeat the steps above.  You'll be able to make stuff in no time.  I would recommend having the stone and scroll production skills if you want money and the best place to sell your items is in Elderine. What cant make it all the way there with your level 1 because of all the monsters attacking you?  Not a problem, take your level 1 and run them to luminous stone, then die in it, you will return to Elderine! If you leave your character in Elderine and do the same steps above then all the items will be in the storage (the storage does NOT differ from cities but DOES differ from servers!!!) After you have plenty of items sell them in your shop and once your filthy rich you can level your character up MUCH easier since you'll be able to buy armor and skills with ease.
===Great way to make money fast===
whit this way you can make 10s on 2 hours. First make new character( i think the fighter is the best)then kill slimes till you are 4 lvl and collect all stuff what slimes drop and then sell those to other char. Somebodys byu dust somthing like 30-20c ea so if you sell those dusts you can earn 1s-1s 500c. And then make all guests where you can get return scrolls and then sell those like 1s ea to other char and you can make lots of money!!!

Revision as of 02:29, 5 October 2008



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