If you want to build this way then you might want to reverse the order in which you place stats, 25 first in STR then 25 in SPR, rest STR. The extra STR you put in will be very noticable in the lower levels (1-30'ish) The reason most people stop putting points into SPR past 25 is that the critical % you get from adding to it halves after 25. From 1-25 you get +0.2% crit for every SPR point but from 26-61 it's only 0.1% 62+ points will reduce even more and give only 0.05% crit. per point.
STR and its counter-part INT on the other hand have no such cap. It might be good to put the rest in SPR and only 25 in STR if you're going for the maximum mag. def and critical rate possible, but those are more easily attained and even surpassed with scrolls and CS items.