Chriszed's Archer Guide

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Hello I'm Chriszed. Yes I know Introductions are pointless. BUT DON'T SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE. Why? Because this is one of the first Archer guides. And I want to Make my point clear. Ok. I know I'm a noob. I was only level 25 in CB and am now level 20. But that doesn't matter. Sure there are higher level archers than me. But does that matter. NO! They don't care. They probably don't even post in the Archer forum. Listen, if you go to the Cleric, Fighter, or Mage Section, you'll see tons of guides, tons of posts, tons of people helping other people. What do you see in the Archer forum? People complaining about how Archers SUCK! Well, I WANT TO START AN ARCHER REVOLUTION!

It won't take a genius to know that Archers are underpowered. But when used correctly an Archer will be able to pwn anyone and anything. Sure they lack the Damage of a Mage, The Defence of a Fighter, and the sheer invincibility of a Cleric. But they have one thing the other classes don't have. Evasion. People will say CHRIS YOU'RE CRAZY. But evasion is good. Perhaps it's better than good. In the First part of this guide I will show how effective an Archer can be in a party. So without further ado here's Chapter 1.



People point out that Archers are leeches. They only stay in a party to steal exp. NOT TRUE. When an archer is used properly they kick ***! I hope you other classes are reading because here's why an Archer is invaluable to a party.


Archers get the skill multi shot at level 20. So what. Look at it like this. At level 20 they also get nature's protection.(decreases agro) These two moves are brothers. HECK! EVEN MORE! In a party. Lets say you were killing orange monsters. You had a Cleric, Warrior, Mage, and Archer. Let's say around 5 charged at you. The rest of the party are focusing on one person. The fighter is going to spam taunt, the cleric is going to heal, and the Mage is going to attack whatever the tank is attacking. Whats the archer doing? Probably the same as the Mage. This is what the battle would look like: The warrior in the middle of the monsters, Archer behind him, Mage, then Cleric.

Okay. That looks pretty basic. The cleric in the back Tank in the middle of the guys, Archer not too far from tank and Mage in between Cleric and Archer. Let say the Mage uses an AoE move. The skeleton will charge at the Mage. Kill him. Got to Cleric and kill him. Then the party is gone. But lets say the Archer AoE's. He can multi shot then right after use natures protection. That means the monsters get hurt but still attack the Warrior. If the fight lasts long enough do it again.(you can also do this with nature's mist)


Well this is another variation of the Rain and Pain. Same setup but lets say they were fighting only 4 monsters. This time instead of arrow rain the Archer uses his poisons on one monster. And on the way adds some Aimed and Power shots. When the monster comes he runs towards the tank and uses nature's protection. Now when your skills recharge continuously attack the monster with power shot, followed by nature's protection. That monster will be dead very soon.


Now lets say the party is in trouble. And needs time to recover from a monster attacking the Cleric. But there is still 3 monsters remaining. Pull the monster that no one is attacking. Run into a save area with lots of tree or other obstructions around them. Run through them. Occasionally shoot the monster to regain agro. When your party is ready use Nature's Protection then run towards the tank. DON'T CUT THROUGH THE PARTY. The monster will attack the closest person other than you. What if you got the Mage or the Cleric. That whole thing was pointless.


Say you really need to kill a monster FAST. Simply use these moves in THIS ORDER. 1. Power shot 2. Aimed shot 3. Bone shot 4. Fury impact 4.5. Multi shot.(only if you wont hit any monsters.) 5. Other damage skills. 6. Natures protection.

That should take out a very large chunk of the monster HP while still sending it back to the tank.


This requires a suicidal Mage. And I mean only one out 100 Mages will agree to do this. Pull a monster with your poisons. Then tell your Mage to hit him with their best spells. When he's done pull the monster with AIMED SHOT FIRST. Then your other moves. If you got 2 clerics one should heal you. If not use pots and stones. When all your moves cooldown do the same thing. Continue it but i doubt it will last long.

Those are 5 moves right now an Archer can pull off in a party. Showing how effective an Archer can be in a party. Almost all of them Require you to use nature's protection. SO GET THIS SKILL. There are two ways. One from the quest. The other from fame. Do whatever you want though i suggest the quest so you can save your fame and get some good exp.


Now the reason I put the party section first is so that other classes will read it and then know how effective an Archer is in a party. Now Time for the solo part.

All the Gm's say that later on Archers will rock. I believe them 100%. But they can still rock. Even at lvl 20! Here are some tricks to help you lvl up while soloing!


No. You don't need to play a shooting game to use cover. In fact cover in this game is really effective. Lets say you are killing Joker Kebings in Sea of Greed. There is that forest right beside where they spawn right. Now what you want to do is click on the monster. Make sure you have to shoot through about 2 trees. The trick here is actually a glitch. YOU can shoot through the tree's but the KEBBING has to go around. See. You can get an extra 2-3 shots before it gets to you. Enough to kill it.


Kiting is in almost every game. And it's very straight forward. I only recommend this on maps where there is an open field. Now remember Archer kiting is different than Mage kiting! In Mage kiting you would run attack run attack run attack... But for an Archer First start like this. Use Your Highest damaging move, with the longest range. Then poisons. Then highest damaging move. Now run. Run until your move cooled down. Now turn and kill the monster. This is good if your trying to save pots.

Now those are the two basic moves you need to know when soloing. Now I'm sure in later lvls you get better skills and wont need to use these but they are still very good to know and master.


Finally you were looking for a guide to make the perfect archer build. Well I already posted a guide on that so let me just copy and paste.

An Archer basically need 3 or 4 stats. They don't need INT because they don't use magic. END and DEX will decide your DEF and STR and SPR will decide your damage. So i decided to compare them.


Some people say to put some points in END. I personally don't recommend END. I say put them in DEX. Why? Because you also get up your aim and use less money on pots. Because with DEX you dodge more so you don't lose any HP. Put it this way. Would you rather get hit more often but lose less HP OR get hit less often but loss a lot of HP. But a bonus with DEX is you get aim and will hit the enemy more. Also I would like to add every lvl you get around 3 points on DEX automatically. Plus rings are good if you really want some END. So in conclusion DEX over END but you could have some points in END if you feel you need them.



This one is all in opinion. STR raises your general damage while SPR raises your crit %, m. defense, and your max SP. Weigh out the options and SPR looks like it will benefit you more. Well... It does look like that, but I say have a little bit of both. Why? Because if you get up your STR and SPR you have higher damage and good crit % and good SP and good M. defense.


Stat Descriptions

STR- Increases damage.

DEX- Increases aim and evasion. (MAIN)

END- Increases HP and def.

SPR- Increases M. defense, crit %, and max SP.(MAIN)

What Archer are you?

What Archer do you wanna be. Do you wanna kite? Do you wanna be able to solo? Party? Or KQ? Do you wanna be a damage dealer or have good DEF. Do you wanna pvp or pve more. Answer these question and it will help you decide what builds to be.


Here are a list of builds I have found or made. (You can add to them if you want.)

My Build.

1:3 DEX:SPR This is my build for my archer. It suits my playing style well. The reason I have good dmg and evasion. I also have good aim. I have enough SP so i can use my skills a lot and I do crit often.

Main Build.

1:1 DEX:SPR This build does focus on your two main stats and it's very good. But really put all your points into SPR until you have 25 then the rest into dex.

Basic Build.

1:1 STR:DEX. This is the generic build for any archer. It focuses on an archers damage and evasion. Although later on in the 30's I suggest some SPR.

Party Build.

2:2:1 STR:SPR:DEX. Why is this party. Because it allows for good damage and good aim. Making you a good damage dealer. If you do end up soloing with this prepare for a lot of pots and stones.

Solo build.

2:2:1 DEX:STR:END. This is a good solo build because it has good DEF and good damage. And you won't need a lot of pots and stones.

Damage build.

3:3:1 STR:SPR:DEX. This is also a good pvp build because you maximize damage. Enough said.

Defense build.

1:1 DEX:END. Don't really recommond this. It has it's uses in pvp and does help in pve. It maximizes DEF.

All those builds are useful in pvp and pve. I just highlighted it's main purpose. You should also mix and match them to suit your playing style.


Scroll Production: I recommend for the buffs you get. Also good for money.

Potion Production: A great profession for the archer as you get lots of potions that heal good and can sell for a lot.

Stone Production: Probably the best profession for money.

I don't recommend any other professions. But it's your call.

That was taken directly from How to decide YOUR archer's build.

Those are some of the basic Archer Builds. But really the only way you can mess up your Archer is full INT ;P.


What should i go Crossbow or Bow? This is a dying question asked by so many archers. Well it really is all in preference. The Crossbow is better if you like to spam skills, while bow is better if you like to save SP. The reason is a bow does more damage with a regular attack while crossbow does more damage with skills. So if you like to spam skills go Crossbow if you like to do more damage without skills go Bow. It really is in your play style.


We're almost at the end of the guide. And here's where i list the Pro's and Con's of an Archer. Why do i put this at the end. Because people just look at the Pro's and Con's of a class and decide. But now they know how they play and can make their decision.


- VERY HIGH Evasion. Why is Evasion so good? Ah I'm going to know answer your question you've been asking this entire time. Well lets see. If a Warrior were to get hit and it does 150dmg. Lets say he gets hit 5 times while fighting a guy. Thats 750 DMG! Now lets say an Archer get hit 5 time with 200dmg. THATS 1000! But lets say the archer dodges 3 of the hits. Thats only 400dmg. Now do you see my point. - Medium HP and SP - Damage over time skills. - Good AoE skills - Good Damage(crits) - High aim - Ranged - Looks cool


- Low defence - Hard to Master - Uses a lot of potions - Average weapons - Underpowered

Well that's my guide. I hope you learned something and now decide to add Archers to your parties or learned how to improve your skills. I'm keeping a contribution section. Post your ideas here and I'll add them.


LEVEL 1-20 by: Chriszed

Waiting to get to level 20 so you can own just like this guide shows. Well, I'm here to show you how to level up and where to train. I hope you have read the solo section, because I will refer back to it.

Now you just made a character. Where do you train? What do you do? Well, first things first: talk to Elemental Helper Remi. She will give you the quest and all that stuff. Next do quests around town they give you your armor. After that you should do Kingdom Quests; they will level you up the fastest. I recommend training in:

1-3 Roumen 3-6 Forest of tides 7-12 Sand beach 13-16 Forest of mist 17-20 Sea of greed

Those maps are most suited for Archers. Now when you start up you should get all the moves available to you. I recommend you empower Aimed and Power Shot, because these are your two main damaging moves. If you want to kill monsters quickly, use moves in this order:

1. Aimed shot 2. Bone shot 3. Fury impact 4. Power shot

That should take out a monster pretty quickly. You can also kite if you feel the need to.

When training in Sea of Greed I recommend using cover. There should be lots of trees by the North near Elderine. In party's I recommend you spam skills. Before you decide to hit level 20 you need about 12 silver. 2 silver to get pots and scrolls for the lvl up quest, and 10 silver for your multi shot, and armor. Only buy the armor from players. There is usually a shop around the blacksmith that sells it. Don't buy your weapon, it's the reward from the quest. Good luck!

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