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Old 04-03-2008, 06:00 PM   #1

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Counter-Strike fanfic :3

I totally wrote this all by myself... so please hate the writer... I didn't copypasta

So there were Joe and I. We were in the first level, Dust 1, and we were on the Terrorist team. This was our second time here, and we had only gone around this place as far as we could go, we explored it as much as we could, but died when we got into a fight. When we started, we had fallen out of the sky, and it felt like we broke our legs. A screen popped up, and had asked if I wanted to buy any weapons. Since I don't start with any, I think that I had to. There were lists of all kinds of weapons. They were all numbered from one to nine. The menu had machine guns, sniper rifles, shotguns, assault-rifles, secondary weapons, and the extras were on the bottom. It had all kinds of grenades, and everything that I could ever want for a war, but I only had $10000, so my weapon would have to be cheap. I went for the auto-assault rifles. I picked the one that looked like what I had seen in the movies. It looked reliable, and was sleek. The AK-47 was the cheapest one too. When I was ready to go, all I had to do was say, "Ready." The game said that other people were still picking their weapons, and I had to wait, but I saw a counter in the bottom left-hand corner of my eye, and it said that the other players had only 45 seconds left to pick before the game starts.

"GO! GO! GO!"

I heard the announcement in my ear, and I watched as the other players took off. They all ran in the same direction, until there was a split in the road, some said they were going to the bridge, and some were saying they were going to the center. The ones that were going to the center had taken a left at the fork. I stayed back until I saw where Joe went, and I followed him. We were going to the bridge. All along the way I saw boxes lining the walls, and I wondered if I could use them, or if they had anything in them at all. There was an archway leading down this path, and I wondered if it was the same way as the center, but I would have to find out later. We came around a corner, and I saw the bridge. It was a rustic looking bridge, with vines of some plant growing all over it, and it could do with a good cleaning, but that didn't even matter. There was a lip for someone to stand on above the bridge, and that's what someone did. If a CT came around here, and made it through, he would have to get past this guy, and his weapon looked like a beast. I was glad I was on his team, I would've hated to get shot by that.

"TERRORIST SPOTTED! FAR END OF BRIDGE!" I dawdled too long, I knew they had to have seen me. I was the only one standing in the middle of the road.

"You stupid shit, get in here!" It was some random guy on the side of the walkway with the name of "Sarge", and he looked like he knew what he was doing. I dove left, into the closest box to me, and hit my head on the top of it. All I felt was a crazy headache that started up really quickly. At least that meant that I could use the boxes. This game is crazy. I still couldn't believe that it felt so real. I was so in awe that I didn't remember I was in the middle of a war.


The whole world seemed to go into slow motion when I figured out what was coming up beside me. And I could've sworn that my heart stopped. Someone from the CT side had thrown a HE grenade at me. I heard the cold steel of the outer shell of that high explosive clink and bounce along the ground, and trembled. I thought about kicking it really quickly, but had decided against it. I knew it would've blown up soon. Maybe if I sat in the box, I would be ok. But I also knew the next feeling... BOOM! The grenade went off, exploding the box I was in, and I felt my head ripping away from my body. I felt all of the tendons ripping from the neck, and my head disintegrating. It was a rush. Then came the familiar feeling of floating in mid-air. I was a ghost... again.

I floated around for a while, not remembering what it was like to float aimlessly, and then when I got the feel for it again I went around the level looking for the guys that went to the center. To get there, I had to go back from the bridge, under the big archway and take a right. I thought to myself that I had to go left next time I spawned, maybe I wouldn't be seen so easily. On my way, I noticed that there was another archway just like the one to the bridge, and I wondered the purpose, if any, that they served. When I saw the guys that went to the center, I found them engaged with the CT team. They were in an intense battle, and lots of rounds were hitting the ground. From the AK-47's, to the M16A2, to the Gnossi shotguns, it seemed like 1000's of empty shells were clinking, and I thought that only 10 had actually hit people. What a waste of ammo.


It keeps telling me I'm trying to post 28876 characters with the max at 10000... so I gotta break it up =/

Originally Posted by el eye Zee
Lol. He said, "I'll punch you in the boob." and I was like, "I'll punch you in the bawlz and we both know that hurts more D<" and he was like, "I won't let you." and I was like, "d00d.. ur a tiny piece of sheet. u punch, i punch. mine will hurt more." and then he was like, "People are probably talking to me. g2g."
I pay to play the RL MMORPG, College. 4 years grinding in college gets you a piece of paper for the rest of your life and you can buy enough stuff to +9 your car//house.

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Old 04-03-2008, 06:01 PM   #2

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Another grenade, but this one was only smoke. The effect of the smoke grenade was well noted, as it was doing its intended purpose, it confused everyone on the Terrorist team, which meant that someone from the CT team threw it. All the guys on my team had all started to yell at each other, saying how they were getting hit with friendly fire. Someone yelled out, "DUCK!" and he threw another grenade into the middle of the whole battle. BOOM! And I saw the CT team all blow apart. A fine grenade throw from someone on the Terrorist team. The CT's were thinking that they could get us when we were arguing, and the guy that threw the grenade was a genius. Either that or lucky. I was betting on the luck.

I said, "Status, please." and a screen came up saying who was alive, and who was dead. The screen looked kind of the one that had the weapons but it was separated in the center horizontally, the names of everyone on the CT team were on top, and the bottom held the names of all of the Terrorists. I looked at all the people on the dead side, and I was amazed. The whole Terrorist team that went to the bridge was dead . That meant only one thing. The CT's were coming up around the back, and were going to kill us all. There was only a matter of time before they got there, and I could only hope that someone heard them before it was too late. When I heard the clink of a grenade outside, I thought that it was them coming up, and I thought they were stupid for letting themselves be heard so much before they got there. But like most of my thoughts, I was wrong about it being the CT's, Sarge had ran away from the bridge when I died. I looked at the status screen again, and I saw that he was alive still. I needed to look better. He was sitting in a box that he broke open, and was throwing grenades at the CT's coming around. This guy was a genius. I would've rather ran up to all the guys and said that they were coming, but I bet that would've gotten us all killed. That is, if I was still alive, and willing to jump in front of the rest of the CT's coming this way.

Someone on the Terrorist team heard the grenade, and let the rest of the team know what was coming, and they all pulled back, going to the other battle. This really helped Sarge, as he was about to be surrounded by the whole CT team. I watched as the other players on the team went at this battle like none other. They all moved like a gear. Some people moved first, then the other half of the squad, then the first again, and they all seemed so smooth, because they didn't know what was around that corner. I heard something then that I shouldn't have. There were bullets flying left and right as the empty cases were hitting the ground. I opened the menu, and saw the people that were dying. Lots of them were from the Terrorist team, but that didn't seem right, as the CT's were around the corner, and they can't shoot through walls. When I thought about it, I turned around to see that we made a huge mistake. We left the other fight entirely. The CT's that were left in the center came up from behind us, and were just letting loose what ammo they had on us. That was the rest of the fight. It was no longer a contest.

I suddenly felt the familiar feeling of being dropped out of the sky. The next round had started. I chose the same weapon set as before. AK-47, with extra ammo, flak vest, and helmet, with a Night Hawk 50cal. pistol. I also picked out some grenades. When I left this time, I was sure that I wasn't going to get shot, so I decided to got to the center. When I rounded the other corner, I heard the others coming with, and I thought that they were going to get killed, so I stayed back, and let them take all the grenades, bullets, and whatever else the CT's felt like throwing at them. I knew it was a cowardly thing to do, but for the first time, I was right. As soon as the mass of people got into the center, they were immediately brought into the middle of one huge explosion. Everyone decided to throw grenades at the same time, and it was amazing. I could feel the heat coming from the HE's, and the shrapnel from all of the other kinds of grenades were all flying everywhere. It looked like the 4th of July after a mistake in the big fireworks show. There were flames all around, and pieces of other grenades flying everywhere. I had to stand out of the doorway to avoid it all. When the dust settled a little bit, both teams had to look at what was left of the playing field. I didn't hear anything from either side, so I figured I was ok.

Originally Posted by el eye Zee
Lol. He said, "I'll punch you in the boob." and I was like, "I'll punch you in the bawlz and we both know that hurts more D<" and he was like, "I won't let you." and I was like, "d00d.. ur a tiny piece of sheet. u punch, i punch. mine will hurt more." and then he was like, "People are probably talking to me. g2g."
I pay to play the RL MMORPG, College. 4 years grinding in college gets you a piece of paper for the rest of your life and you can buy enough stuff to +9 your car//house.

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Old 04-03-2008, 06:01 PM   #3

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I saw out of the corner of my eye, someone signaling me to come with them. They were by the corner of the archway, and I thought there would be no problem with it as long as we were on the same team. I went past the doorway leading to the center cautiously, not knowing if there were other people there to shoot me if they saw something even move. As I passed, I saw Sarge kneeling behind a box, and it appeared as if he was waiting for someone to pass, so that he could shoot them with no threat to him. I thought about waving "Hi" as I passed him, but decided against it, as that would of been a neon sign telling the enemy where he was. I passed with no emotion, except fear. When I finished crossing, I felt kind of stupid. There was no way that everyone there was dead, and I would've been killed, so there was no real point in even being cautious. If the CT team had seen me move, they would've shot, but Sarge would've heard them, and known where to shoot from there, it was in everyone's best interest to just remain quiet.

I met with the stranger at the corner, not knowing what was in store for me.

"Hey, are you familiar with this level?" His voice sounded rough, like he just ran a mile, and didn't have any water in his system left.
"I don't really know it as well as some others," I responded, "but I might be able to help you. What do you need?"
"I need someone to go to the bomb zone 'A' and see if it's clear for me to plant." He pulled out a canteen, and I saw him drink a darkish-brown liquid. I thought it was alcohol, but I didn't know. Maybe it was just root beer, maybe it was Jack, but who cared? He looked sober to me.
"What do mean 'plant'?" I was obviously new to the game, even if knew the level. All I'd ever done was go around and die, I'd never even killed someone yet.
"Wow kid, do I have to hold your hand, or can you figure this out on your own?"
I thought for a moment about this, and figured that I knew a spot in the back of the level that had a big red "A" painted on it. It was through the center, and when you got there, you would have to make a left, and pass through some doors. I figured that must be bomb spot A, but I've never seen a bomb spot "B", maybe that's somewhere else I hadn't explored yet.
"So, you want me to run around, and make sure that it's ok for you to plant this bomb you have, while I might get killed in the process?" I thought it was pretty stupid to kill someone for your own good, and I wasn't about to go do it for some guy I had just met.
"No, I want you to be the spotter for the team. It seems like you're new, so I'm not going to bitch you out, but don't give the bomber crap when he asks for help. Everyone wants to help this guy... he's the way you win the game."
Damn. I felt like such an idiot for doing that, but he was right. I was new, and I was ignorant about how the game works. Maybe I could redeem myself for doing this. I had to remember to take a note that there was a bomber, and he had to have a spotter to go look at the rest of the level for him.
"Alright, I'll go, but I don't know what to look for."
"Just go into the middle of the area, and if you're shot at, it's not clear, if you're not, then tell me, 'A is clear'."
"Do you want me to clear the area if I'm shot at, or is there someone for that?"
"Yeah. There is someone to clear the area if you're shot at. YOU! Are you so stupid, that you might get shot at, and not shoot back?"

Wow. Another stupid thing to say. I was on a roll. I decided that I wasn't going to open my mouth anymore, and just go to where I had to be. I nodded my head, and started towards the bridge. Down the long pathway, until the fork came. I didn't know if it was clear yet, and that was probably the right thing to ask the bomber, but he had already gone around the corner, and I didn't want to bother him. That, and I didn't have much time left. If I wanted to get there without anyone knowing where I was at, I had to have gone really fast, really quietly. I snuck past the boxes where Sarge had hid the round before, and then went to round the corner when I heard a gunshot. I hoped that it was from my team, and a CT had been killed. The only problem was that I didn't feel like it was from my team, and I panicked. The first thing that had run through my mind was to hide. I went towards the archway leading to the bridge, and went back-to-back with the wall. Then I heard the footsteps. They were coming closer and closer, and I hoped that they were friendly. Then I heard footsteps of multiple players. There was no way that more than one person would retreat from the bridge on the Terrorist team, but they might've been cowards.

Originally Posted by el eye Zee
Lol. He said, "I'll punch you in the boob." and I was like, "I'll punch you in the bawlz and we both know that hurts more D<" and he was like, "I won't let you." and I was like, "d00d.. ur a tiny piece of sheet. u punch, i punch. mine will hurt more." and then he was like, "People are probably talking to me. g2g."
I pay to play the RL MMORPG, College. 4 years grinding in college gets you a piece of paper for the rest of your life and you can buy enough stuff to +9 your car//house.

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Old 04-03-2008, 06:02 PM   #4

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"The bomber's this way! I saw him run!" One of the CT's said it casually, as if he knew there weren't more guys. Like he would've scared them off.

Great. That meant that the other team saw him, and were coming my way, but I was hidden, and maybe I could take one of them out before I got shot.

PHOOM! They ran faster than the wind at their target, and I took aim. I heard that if you crouched, you would have better aim, so I got on one knee, and rested my gun against my shoulder, and my other hand held it up a lot easier than when I was standing up. They were slowing down to go around the corner to get to the center, and one of them crouched and sat still. That was my perfect opportunity, but then the other one crouched as well, and I was too busy wondering what was going on, and got distracted. I didn't fire, but watched them. They both sat there, and I wondered why they were doing it, but figured that they were waiting to see if the bomber came back that way. They were playing the waiting game. Which only meant that there were more of them coming around from the center. I knew what I was going to do right then and there. I was going to throw a grenade. A high explosive would be enough to make them die if they were hit previously, if not, then it would seriously injure them both., and I would open fire, definitely killing them both. Slowly, I pulled out an HE from my pack, trying to not make any noise, and pulled the pin, but I held the bar. When I got the mental capacity of the situation, I let go of the pin, and cooked it for a couple of seconds, and then threw it as hard as I could. It landed a few feet away from the second guy, but right next to the one that stopped first.

"SHIT! HE! Get out of the way!" The first CT sounded scared, and it was almost a rush to hear that. Especially because I knew that I caused it to happen.

It was too late. The grenade went off and killed the first one, and when the other one saw me, I opened fire. It felt like an hour, but it was only five seconds. I heard the bullets from the CT's M16A2 whizzing by my head, and cracking the wall behind me. I emptied my clip at the CT, but even when it was empty, and he was dead, I was still holding the trigger. It felt great to squeeze a clip at someone, and not really kill them, but only get rid of their character. Then again, I just killed someone, and I was thinking about that. I should've just ran for the "A" zone, but I didn't. I froze up, deep in thought about the events that just occurred, and I knew that someone had to have been watching me as they floated along. They probably thought I was an idiot, because I was acting like one. After a minute or so, I finally returned to reality, and realized I had a mission to accomplish, so I left the wall. As I was rounding the corner to the bridge, I saw another CT searching all of the boxes that were under the bridge. He must've been one of the people that got killed by Sarge last round.

"The bomb has been dropped!" I heard a global announcement. I wondered why the game made such a big deal about the bomb being dropped. The guy could've easily picked it back up. No big deal.

Then again, I couldn't believe the other guy dropped the bomb after he asked me to go check if the area was clear. I was going to yell at him the next time I saw him.

I turned my attention to the CT, and once again, I took aim at this guy, but I didn't fire right away, I wanted to watch again, just to get a feel of what the enemies' movements were like. When he got to the last box, he put his hand on his ear, I didn't know exactly what he said, but I think he told everyone that was alive on his team that there was no one in the bridge area. I thought that was good, because that meant he would've abandoned the area, and went to look for the bomber, but back to my streak, I was wrong. Whatever he told them, made them all show up. I counted five there, and when I checked the menu, I saw that was all of them. I noticed something else. I was the only one on my team alive. That meant the bomber died. I had to go pick up the bomb, and plant it myself. It also meant that I wasn't going to yell at this guy. He didn't mean to drop it.

Originally Posted by el eye Zee
Lol. He said, "I'll punch you in the boob." and I was like, "I'll punch you in the bawlz and we both know that hurts more D<" and he was like, "I won't let you." and I was like, "d00d.. ur a tiny piece of sheet. u punch, i punch. mine will hurt more." and then he was like, "People are probably talking to me. g2g."
I pay to play the RL MMORPG, College. 4 years grinding in college gets you a piece of paper for the rest of your life and you can buy enough stuff to +9 your car//house.

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Old 04-03-2008, 06:03 PM   #5

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I turned right back around, and went for the center. If all the CT's were there, and I was free to pick the bomb up, and plant it without fear, I was going to take that offer. I ran as fast as I could, I didn't even know that I ran past the archway, and past everything else. Before I knew it I was at the archway leading to the center, but when I got there, I saw something I didn't expect to see. I saw the bomber's body. Then I saw the brown package that was strapped to his back, I figured it was the bomb. I went for it, and pulled it off with ease. The package went on my back with extreme ease, and I thought I was in the clear, I was being stealthy. All I had to do was get to the other side of the center, without anyone hearing me, or seeing me. That seemed too easy for me.

"The bomb has been recovered!" Another wonderful global announcement.

Great. So much for the stealth. Now they all knew where I was at. That did not help me at all. After I heard the global announcement, I ran faster than I did before, because I knew they were not only coming at me faster than last time, but they knew where I was, and they weren't looking in any more boxes. I knew where the "A" bomb zone was, so I went there. I was right next to it, and all I had to do was go to the back side of the center complex, and make a left, then the only thing left was a couple of doors, and I was home free. Too bad that distance seemed like a mile away in this pressure. I felt like there was no way I could make it in time, and I would've lost the whole game to the CT's.

I took off at light speed, and I busted through the doors, in the back I saw a steel box. That box was so obvious among the rest of the wooden boxes. I knew at that time, it was perfect for me. That was the place I was going to plant the bomb.

I went straight over to it, and crouched behind it. When I opened the package, I found a cube of C4 with a timer duct taped to it with a whole bunch of wires hanging from it, and a piece of paper. Relief swept over me as I read the paper. The directions came with it. It showed two ways of wiring it. One way was to get a quick explosion, but the wires were simply put together, and the CT's would be able to defuse it easily. The other way made it harder for the CT's to defuse, as well as put a death wire in it. It said the death wire blew the C4 as soon as it was cut. The only drawback from the second setup was that it took 90 seconds for the bomb to explode. I was going for the quick explosion. I didn't have time for the wire setup of the second one. Nor did I have the knowledge, even after reading the paper. I bet the CT's would've sat there, and watched me make a fool of myself. Maybe they would've busted out some popcorn, and made bets on how long it would've taken me to complete the setup.

As soon as I connected the wires, "The bomb has been planted!" I heard the announcement, but not in my ear. It was something made aloud, just like the one about the bomb being recovered, and dropped. The only other thing I could do was to wait for the CT's to come get me. I decided to hide in the corner, and sure enough, the CT's came rolling through the door not 10 seconds later.

"Find that bomb! NOW!" There was a big CT standing at the front of zone ''A'', and he looked mean. That seemed like the leader, as there was no objection to the order.

I saw one of the CT's look towards my box. He knew he found it. All he had to do was get proof, and I was waiting to see what they were going to do next.


I saw all of them run over towards it, and one of them ripped open his pack, spilling all of his belongings on the ground. I just sat there in awe, as they took this so seriously, and they seemed to think that I wasn't there, as they didn't even look around to make sure the area was clear. I took perfect advantage of the situation, and, while crouched, walked over there. Once again, I had the perfect opportunity to kill these guys without them even knowing it. I sat on one knee and raised my gun again. When I opened fire, they had no idea what was about to hit them, and one of them screamed like a little girl. 1...2...3...4... they were all dying in a row, but there was no number five, and the next thing I knew, the bomb exploded. I was too close, and was ripped apart in a fiery explosion not fitting of a little block of C4. I guessed that the last guy had run for bomb site "B", and left all of his good buddies behind. I hoped I would've won the round for us, that was the point.

Originally Posted by el eye Zee
Lol. He said, "I'll punch you in the boob." and I was like, "I'll punch you in the bawlz and we both know that hurts more D<" and he was like, "I won't let you." and I was like, "d00d.. ur a tiny piece of sheet. u punch, i punch. mine will hurt more." and then he was like, "People are probably talking to me. g2g."
I pay to play the RL MMORPG, College. 4 years grinding in college gets you a piece of paper for the rest of your life and you can buy enough stuff to +9 your car//house.

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Old 04-03-2008, 06:03 PM   #6

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That was it, the end of the game. The guy that I met did say that was how we won the game, but I assumed he meant round. We had blown up the supplies for the CT's, and they failed to protect them. It was such a rush, and then I felt like someone was pulling on my hair, and it hurt bad. The next thing I know, I was back in my pod, and everyone was just waking up from theirs' as well. Some of the people that knew other people, or the groups that came all together had met up with each other, and I looked around the room for Joe, but I didn't see him. There were two doors, labeled by the teams, and each person left in their respective door. When I went into the Terrorist door, the first person I saw was Joe. I walked up to him, and he looked at me, and just stated that I was a jerk for not following him around, because he was in the army before, and he "knew" what he was doing in a tactic game.

"Welcome back players! And welcome back WINNERS! Congratulations on winning the game, and securing a set of armor for the next time you play!" A man in a suit walked into the room, and addressed us like we were his play toys. "As you walk out the door, you will be handed a code. The next time you come back to play, just put the code into the pod you enter, and all of your armor purchases will be free!" I was thinking that was great. I would save $1250 every round on armor, just because I won a game. "Can I have player 'killzemall' to the stage please?" That was me. I knew what was coming, they were going to congratulate me on winning the game.

"That guy's an IDIOT! He just sat there instead of scouting for the bomber!" Shouted a guy from the back of the room. Completely opposite of what I thought, and I should've known.

"Now, now, be nice. He did win you the game after all, didn't he? Plus, he just won himself another year play free!" I wasn't going to expect that. I just paid $5000 for a year of this, and I got a year free. Why couldn't he just have refunded my fee? Maybe the prices would've been raised by next year. You never know. Plus, all I did was win a game. Maybe everyone that successfully blew up the CT supplies won a free year.

"That's shit man! I got the most kills, and all he does is run and hide, and he gets a year free? You're an ass!" The man in the back was mad.

"What's your problem? We won, and just because you killed some more people doesn't mean that you get MVP award. You just get more kills on your profile. Be happy." Joe was sticking up for me, and I think that he was ok with me not following him after he found out that I was the guy that picked up the bomb. The other guy was obviously not ok with this. I didn't even want the free membership, especially if it was going to make all of these problems.

"Look, I had eight kills after only two rounds. That should be enough to earn me something."

"How right you are, and you shall get something," the man standing next to me sounded odd, and he strained on the last word, “if you would just follow me after this meeting, I will personally give the prize for your accomplishment."

I didn't like how the guy said this. He sounded as if he was going to kill him, and I think I would've liked to at the moment, but the man just thought wrong about getting something, nothing worthy of murder.

"All players are welcome to play again today, all you have to do is go through this hall." He waved his hand as if he were displaying a new car, "Follow the hall, and you'll see a sign that will take you into the main hall, where you will have first pick where you want to play. Please look at the screen to find which games are currently in progress, please don't disturb them. Thank you." The eerie man walked out with the angry man from the back. After that, it was none of my business.

I met up with Joe again, and we both went down the hall talking about our two different accounts of the same thing. He was arguing that he was the whole reason that I had knowledge the other CT was under the bridge was because he told the bomber to let me know. That was absurd, as I was the one that found out the hard way. After a while, I just gave up. Sometimes there's no winning with Joe, he has to be right about what he thinks. Apparently, he told the bomber to let me know that there were some guys that could kill me if I didn't hide.

"When you think about it, though, there were two other guys that came up around, and I had to kill them. Weren't you watching me? Then I went around the corner, and the other five were waiting for me. Or at least looking for me. They didn't know where I was at until I picked up the bomb." I didn't want to let him win, so I added that. Even though I had already told him that he was right.

We got to the main hall, and we looked at each other. All we did was look into each other’s eyes, and we knew we wanted to play another. The only problem was we didn't know which level we wanted to play. I wanted to do a hostage level, I was done with the bomb/defuse levels. At least as long as I know that the jerk wasn't going to be there. And when I thought of the jerk, I wondered where he was. I didn't see him come through the hall with us, and I didn't see him now. The man that met us after the game wanted him to go with him for a personal gift, but I had a bad feeling about it. I let it go after a while, not thinking it would matter in the future. It wasn't my fault he got what he did. But I saw him walking with the eerie man, and he was in handcuffs, being escorted by cops to an elevator. If he was causing trouble, he should've been just thrown out of the building, but I was now more interested than ever before. I wanted to know where that man was going with a player.

More coming when I write it

Hope you all enjoy~~


EDIT: Gah... this killed my grammar when I typed it ._.

This is why I don't copypasta =/

Originally Posted by el eye Zee
Lol. He said, "I'll punch you in the boob." and I was like, "I'll punch you in the bawlz and we both know that hurts more D<" and he was like, "I won't let you." and I was like, "d00d.. ur a tiny piece of sheet. u punch, i punch. mine will hurt more." and then he was like, "People are probably talking to me. g2g."
I pay to play the RL MMORPG, College. 4 years grinding in college gets you a piece of paper for the rest of your life and you can buy enough stuff to +9 your car//house.


Last edited by booyah8876; 04-03-2008 at 06:14 PM..
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:08 AM   #7
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Necro don't please.

Oh and I missed this last time, very...unique...nice job lol :3
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:12 AM   #8

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ha thanks ^^

Too bad I clicked the link that guy had there...

Mods please to be killing that spammar D:

No virus when I opened page...

but still...

advertising some foreign phone company or whatever >.>;

Originally Posted by el eye Zee
Lol. He said, "I'll punch you in the boob." and I was like, "I'll punch you in the bawlz and we both know that hurts more D<" and he was like, "I won't let you." and I was like, "d00d.. ur a tiny piece of sheet. u punch, i punch. mine will hurt more." and then he was like, "People are probably talking to me. g2g."
I pay to play the RL MMORPG, College. 4 years grinding in college gets you a piece of paper for the rest of your life and you can buy enough stuff to +9 your car//house.

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Old 05-21-2008, 01:40 AM   #9
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Terrorists win.

Not bad.
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:07 AM   #10
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Flowersss will become famous soon enough
*stares at all the text* =O

But I read it...nice job
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