Thread: The Future
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Old 05-03-2009, 01:20 PM   #32
Tournaments Won: 35

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Interesting thread. I normally won't get into these types of conversations, but I've seen 2 points I'd like to dicuss. First and most immediate is the H1N1 outbreak. I work in the US healthcare industry, and we are laughing at how overblown this has been by the media. This H1N1 has been shown to be a MILD strain of the flu. Yes, people with compromised, i.e. weak, immune systems can die from it. However, this is just like any strain of the flu. Over 30,000 people die in the United States every year from the normal flu, and we take none of the precautions that the crazed media have suggested. Ultimately, people get sick, some will die, most won't. It's called life.
Finally, I'd like to say a few words about the global warming myth. That's right I said MYTH. One thing you learn as you get older is a simple rule - follow the money. You can look at most topics and follow someones stated objectives and see that they are making tons of money because of their position. Al Gore is making a killing because of this Global Warming scam. Have you noticed that it is now referred to Global Climate Change? More and more scientists are coming out refuting the lies that have been told, and the GW crowd is running for cover. John Conelly (sp?), the founder of the Weather Channel, has several good articles online on the topic. Recently, Lord Moncton of Great Britain was in the US to debate Al Gore before Congress and was pulled from the schedule? Why? So that Mr. Gore's 'theories' wouldn't be shot down. Open your eyes people and read for yourself - don't take what your teacher's spoonfeed you as the truth and only the truth. The information is out there if you look for it. I suggest the website Wattsupwiththat. It is a very scientific site and discusses many topics. If you can handle the subject matter, it will open your eyes.
Thanks for reading this if you made it through all of that.

Last edited by Helion; 05-03-2009 at 01:22 PM..