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Old 07-22-2010, 11:57 PM   #3
Tournaments Won: 35

Posts: n/a
You are generally following my build path, which has been a good generic build, especially early. I would recommend taking your spririt to 25 first, then take your end to 25 next - crit bonus, then block bonus. Then, I stuck with str to 50, and am now raising the others to 50 as I level. You can also help your stats through your gears - many of the clerics I know are heavily into end/dex on their gears, so I am able to find str/end or str/spr gear relatively cheap at the upper levels. I use a combo of the 2. I love the endurance, but am finding the magic defense from spr to be necessary as well. It is way too early to commit to guardian or holy knight in your case, but ultimately as you find what build and gears work well with your style of play, the choice will become easy for you.

EDIT ^^ lol, Kaini, you posted as I was typing. Not sure about the perfect explanation - thanks for the ego boost though! xD

Last edited by Helion; 07-22-2010 at 11:59 PM..