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Old 07-09-2008, 02:37 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Hessah View Post
wow wow wow.. i hear accusations there~

just because it's "techincally possible" doesnt mean outspark has it do it... why give your account info away so easily when they could try negociate and keep users in their community (all these ppl complaining about wanting to play with their frds..?)

if Outspark just sold your account coz Alpha said so, then there's really no chance of you playing on Outspark server... (you dont think u can log into BOTH outspark and Gamigo game server, did you?)
The thing is that Outspark hasn't really hasn't done anything to negotiate. Seems to be the opposite... You should read some of what's on the Fiesta EU forum. Almost none of what CSR_Joker is saying is true.

Outspark wouldn't sell the info, just give it to them. What Outspark did (letting people out of North America play) really wasn't legal in the first place. They only have licenses for the US, Mexico, and Canada.

IMO what Outspark is doing is trying to make Gamigo look like the "bad guys". Trying to make it seem like Gamigo just wants you to start over and that Outspark is trying to let you stay. (Don't forget to buy Sparkcash!) It makes sense that a company would want to keep as much profit as possible, and keep as many users as possible, but I've never seen a company try as hard as Outspark is...
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