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Old 10-07-2009, 05:36 PM   #1
Panda's Avatar

Posts: 8
Panda is on a distinguished road
What's that?! It's a Panda!

NyaNya! Hi! You know that black and white cuddly little animal at the zoo? The one always lazily chewing on bamboo? Thats secretly plotting world domination? Nono.. not the penguins they dont eat bamboo! The pandas!

Hehe... well I'm Panda, aka PandaPoko. Why poko? I dont know.... really... just started saying that one day... my boyfriends family nickname for me is Panda- thats where it came from. I guess it sorta rhymes with my real name, weird huh? Its a weird story and now his family calls me Panda. And I like pandas so I can deal with it. Mew!

So I used to play fiesta- a long long time ago. A long time ago I guess. But I quit. Ive tried the new servers.. but I quit. Nya. Sorta playing cloud nine right now. Well if the maintance would GO AWAY! *Rawr!*

So... a lil about me?
Im animal obsessed
I used to be obsessed with the computer
I work at walmart (the evil corporation [probably fail spelling])
I love to make graphics- I plan on going to college for computer graphics
Im in art 3, I love art class.
Im 17, senior in highschool.
I love any bright color, mainly green cause of nature.
I would prefer to be outside in the warm-not hot weather in fall and spring.
I love to write poetry and stories and sometimes songs.
Addicted to music.
I love anime.
I love my boyfriend ;P (lol bottom of the list.. poor johnjohn)
Oh oh oh! Im freakishly tall! Least compared to majority of girls around where I live at 5'10", not overweight but not a beanpole. Nya!
My choir class is constantly having a debate on if Ramen is pronounced "Ramen" ,"Raymen" or "Romen"

Hm... well my gaming thing I love to play archers, hunters, or whatever youd want to call them. Give me a quiver of arrows and a bow (preferable bow instead of a cross bow) and let me at the game and Ill be a happy panda.
Lol probablycause ive always wanted to learn archery in real life but since im accident prone, a clutz, and afraid of sharp things it might not happen. xP

I might post some siggy-things in the sig section if I get the courage up everyones is just so good...

Well now! I think thats all for now! rawr!

tl;dr (what seriously! You dont wanna hear about Pandapoko? Lol jk) Hi, my name is Panda, aka PandaPoko, nice to meet you ;3
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