Thread: Xenogears
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Old 12-26-2008, 04:17 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by a.L View Post
Grandia 2, Golden Sun 1 and 2 are my faves. xD

I want to try Xenosaga though.
send me a pm with your msn/aim/yahoo (whatever your preferred method of communication is)

and i can hook you up with a ps1 emulator and where to get some xenogears iso's

i beleive all old video games should be free and i do my part to make em that way

heres a list of the rpg's i can think of that ive beaten

Dragon Warrior 1-4
Final Fantasy
Earthbound 0
Startropics 2: Zodas Revenge
Legend of the Ghost Lion

Chrono Trigger
Breath of Fire 1-2
Tales of Symphonia (havnt beaten it currently stuck)
7th Saga
Dragon Quest 5 (really dragon warrior but never reeased in the usa so got a tranlated rom)
Final Fantasy 4-6
Live A Live
Illusion of Gaia
Lufia 1-2
Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore
Super Mario RPG
Star Ocean (i have the jap one but no translaed one anyone got a translated star ocean?)

Final Fantasy 7-9
Breath of Fire 3-4
Dragon Warrior 7
Final Fantasy Origins (FF1-2)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Legend of Dragoon
Legend of Legaia
Lunar: Silver Star Story
Lunar2: Eternal Blue
Megaman Legends 1-2
Parasite Eve 1-2 (both are in my all time faves)
Saga Frontier
Suikoden (used to own it got stolen... now the game itself is worth like 300 bucks...)
Torenko the Last Hope
Valkyrie Profile
Wild Arms 1-2

damn this is a long list

Brath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
Xenosaga 1-3
Grandia 2
Kingdom Hearts
Orphen: Scion of Sorcery
Wild Arms 3
Wild Arms: Alter Code F (remake of 1 with ps2 graphics and few added features)
Star Ocean: Till the end of time
Unlimited Saga
Legaia 2: Duel Saga
.//Hack 1-2
Dragon Quest 8: Journy of the Cursed King

LotR (its a weird one cant remember the whole name)
Metal Dungeon
(thats all the rpg games ive got for xbox)

Enchanted Arms
Eternal Sonata

i left out my list for hand helds like GB, GBA, PSP, but feel fre to look up some of these if youve never heard of them

also if you want info on emulators/roms just send me a pm and ill link ya up and get ya started
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Last edited by Deoial; 12-26-2008 at 04:19 PM.. Reason: didnt want to double post and spelling
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