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Old 01-26-2009, 04:20 AM   #19
Touch all the butts

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Not a sheltered girl, but has clouded eyes.

If your record is screwed up and you can't get a job because you wanted to get high... well good for you.
Watch further and look at the people who smoke pot, people in positions of power.
My mother smokes pot and makes 140k a year and has a record.

Smoking a ciggarete is nothing like smoking a joint, and since you have
not smoked weed before your in no position to judge there.
Weed lifts my spirits, relaxs me, and has little different effects in others and is a COMPLETELY different effect then smoking a smoke. And as for an apple thats just stupidity.

And as for the risks you talk about with your sister?
Thats obviously her personality, thats a personal fuckin choice to go smoke jib or crack. Everyone makes there own choice pot doesnt choose for you.

Great quote from that movie something like alcholhal is my drug of choice, can we say it started from me drinking milk as a kid?

All in all I appreciate the fact that your watching the movie yosei and expanding your views on weed.

And I smoke weed everyday, almost all day but I do
not need it either to enjoy myself, though I prefer smoking it.

Its like saying do you need video games or the computer to enjoy yourself? or do you need a massage to relax?

Last edited by MikeyG; 01-26-2009 at 04:24 AM..
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