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Old 12-03-2011, 11:53 PM   #6
Infernal_Tempest's Avatar

In-Game Name: Ceranio/Chaos_Rage/S0UL_R34P3R
Current Level: 86/69/44
Server: Teva
Posts: 22
Infernal_Tempest is on a distinguished road
Fighters are born for PvP.
Mages aren't even a threat imo... Basically, just +9 jewels and a little bit of SPR here and there will allow you to survive long enough to land the Dev and finish the fight in no time.
-Ceranio (Level 86 Clever Fighter)
-Chaos_Rage (Level 69 Wizmage)
-Chimata_Hero (Level 49 Cleric)
-S0UL_R34P3R (Level 44 Gambit)

"It is better to die a noble death protecting the ones you cherish, than to live a life of despair whilst shedding endless tears on the graves of the ones you loved so much. Oblivious of the fact that your cowardice was the reason of their deaths..." ~Infernal Tempest
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