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Old 03-30-2009, 07:36 PM   #53
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In-Game Name: Dyaevim
Current Level: 72
Server: Apoline
Posts: 103
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Because you, like nearly every other person in this world is far too soft and lenient on criminals. This is the reason why they feel no remorse for their actions. Because they know they're just going to get off easy and most likely be out back on the streets in a few years. I am sadistic and insane but I know what needs to be done to get things "fixed". You want them to stop committing crimes? Then instill fear into their hearts and crime rates will plummet. Sure, we may have to do something "unethical" to accomplish this but the world can not be fixed with kittens and rainbows.

As for torturing me? That would be fruitless and pointless. As I have not committed a criminal act and would only be torturing/killing someone who has done absolutely nothing wrong.
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