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Old 10-01-2008, 03:03 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by secbro18 View Post
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

I read it over the summer ( its about 1050 pages long) with font that is this small. Her ideas make so much sense to me. I read her other novel, The Fountainhead, first and it was very good, but no where near as good as Atlas Shrugged.
I totally agree with you. Objectivism FTW! But I finished it in 2 and a half days....

I also love the Wheel of Time series written by Robert Jordan. Its a nice universe he created. It's a series of 11 books (not counting prequels and other add-ons) each of about 500 pages. Now that took all summer lol. I recommend it to anyone who enjoyed Tolkien.

1. The Eye of The World
2. The Great Hunt
3. The Dragon Reborn
4. Shadow Rising
5. The Fires of Heaven
6. Lord of Chaos
7. A Crown of Swords
8. Path of Daggers
9. Winter's Heart
10. Crossroads of Twilight
11. Knife of Dreams

I must warn people who don't like descriptive books against this series though. Take Hessah for example. If she found HP boring then I'll tell her not to waste her money on this.

I'll give a brief summary: The world is a time of swords, bows, villages etc. Among humans, there are some who can "channel" i.e they can control the 5 elements : Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Spirit. Men and women touch different parts of this power. The source that men touch is called saidin and the source that women touch is called saidar. The evil dude, the Dark One is above all these powers. His powers are on a different plane. When he breaks free of his prison, a hundred men go and manage to seal him in it again, but only at the cost of saidin being tainted, so that anyone who touches saidin for a sufficiently long time goes insane and dies. Oh well, I'll leave the rest to you.

EDIT: By the way, the books I hate most are the HP series. I mean, they went on well enough till the 4th book. From there, you can see very clearly that the book was not progressing as she had originally intended. I mean it turns from a small comedy on what we know about "magic" into some crazy sort of legacy battle against evil. There are no set laws in her world, unlike some very good books I've read like Asimov's Foundation series and Tolkien's LOTR.

Credits to Loveless for the great signature!
We rode on the winds of the rising storm
We ran to the sounds of thunder
We danced among the lightning bolts
And tore the world asunder

Last edited by Vasu; 10-01-2008 at 05:49 PM..
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