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Old 04-03-2008, 09:51 PM   #1
Hero Slime

In-Game Name: Midnight_rush Terron_
Current Level: Midnight_Rush--lvl28 Terron_--lvl23
Server: Apoline
Posts: 12
shadow_paladin_8520 is on a distinguished road
Lvl 20 job change--fighter

Level 20 Job Challenge Quest


Once u talk to the warrior master he will tell u that he and his GF (the Roumen skill master) ruby are fighting. He asks u to take an apology letter too her( my advice have few scrolls for this it gets annoying) then she gets pissed an tells u to bring another letter all the way back to him in Eldrine. (that was the annoying part) then u give it to the wm and he oddly is happy at ruby’s insults and rewards u with a myth (what the hell kind of reward is that???) but instead (don’t get too exited) he tells u to talk to grand master seam=n in the forest of mist ( :O I had to listen to your freaking GF crisis and all u do is tell em to talk to some dude??? F@#% you!!!)then u talk to Sean and he rants about when he was a kid he trained hard in the shadow dungeon blah blah blah then u have to get a key of shadows from “one of the monsters in the forest” its either rat men or boars.( I went with rat men because the r right near him)then he asks u if u r ready to enter and you say………………†¦â€¦ im am not if u were reading this guide because I forgot to tell u what u need to get ready. Now u probly have some stones right? That’s wrong!!!!
After healing with stones u have to Re-engage battle witch is really freaking hard to do when u r fighting 9 different shadows including yours. what u should have: power scroll,
Shield increase scroll, vitality scroll and at least 50 pots of both kinds. Note u cant sleep in mini house in the Dungeon of Shadows (I learned this the hard way….) ok once u enter your shadow will appear in front of u. he will call u some m=names that attack. NOTE: this is not the real battle so don’t use too much sp or pots but don’t die (also learned that the hard way…..) just after u do about 1000 damage he will run away (he also heals after he runs away) u will not be able to move until he is out of the room. U go up the hallway he ran and then there r two little shadow kebing (awww how cute… DESTROY THEM!!!) other note: do not use too much sp on the shadows that aren’t yours because they r weak and u can kill them quick with scrolls also with but just use’em any way!
next we cpme up to another kinda empty-ish room. U will see your shadow again. Don’t attack him/her but do aproch’em. he will call you some names and then sommun some shadow skeleton to attack u. these r easy just pwn them then continue. Next is my favorite room I call it the “don’t go twrads the light Charlie!” room. But in this case u do follow the light. The room will go blak and them there is a blue laser light shooting across into a hallway. There r big circle to gide you also. That brings u into the final room. This is where u realy kill your shadow. You go into the room and he/she appers at the entrance. Ignore them. He makes statues come to life one at a time and attack you (u kill one before and the others you have to take in battle with your shadow) also he will realse shadow marlone clan fighters and archers (don’t worry shadow beings are easyer too ill them thie real form. Kill all the mionon s=then attack you shadow!!! This is it!!! The battle for destiny, puer of heart and…..the title clever fighter and a realy big sword/axe/sword and shield oh yeah for got to mention at the end of this u get to pick between the steek sword the steel axe and roumen sword (I chouse steel sword)ok back to the fight. You going to need to heal lots of times in battle.but beware he can land 100-125s on you.if you are attacked by another shadow in this fierce battle then just quikly kill it and get bak to bissness. And………I guess that’s it…..

Congratulations!!! You have just become a clever fighter!!! Written and preformed by:Terron_ of the apoline server
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