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Old 09-29-2011, 10:11 AM   #12
Hero Slime

Posts: 11
bellbearangel is on a distinguished road
Warm sunlight shines down through the thick foliage of the forest, brushing my cheeks. The mist that gives name to the forest where I currently am in blurs my vision a little. I stumbled around in a rather unlady-like manner. I’m sure that if my guild master sees me like this he would make a big fuss, and I know, through past experience, that he would start with an exasperated ,yet not unappreciated loud sigh.. I tightened the grip on my hammer, preparing to bash in the head of any monster if they even dared to venture too near ., wait, no,no, I meant preparing to protect myself when they came too near. XD

Through the mist, i see a soft glow of light. Having nothing else to do, i lifted my feet and went over to it. The sun shone down, leaving the forest glowing like Edward Cullen and that blinded me momentarily. I rubbed my eyes, and was shocked to find a ratman in front of me. It seems that it was as shocked to see me as i was him. It wore tiny clothes, and that disturbed me a little. The ratman quickly regained composure and it swiftly flashed its dagger, ready to strike. I can see it by the way it shifted its legs. Adrenaline rushes thru my blood, and i swung my hammer the way i was taught.

I swung my hammer once and it hit home. Oh well, I guess I shouldn’t be messing with ratman at the 40’s.that was no challenge at all. I guess that’s enough for the all ratman thing. X3 My favourite and of course the best memory about fiesta, it’s when I met my hubby-in-game. It was when I decided to do my skeleton knight quest after dying 327629482 times there. Nervously, and getting all my pots ready, I walked to the door and that’s where I saw him,with a high level guildy. Usually I will walk away and wait till they leave and then solo my quest. But this time, something made me ask for party. And he accepted.

After we done the quest, our fate did not just end like all the other quest party. He approached me with his puppy cuteness and invited me to quest together. And from there, we talked almost everyday and even of our different time zone, he stayed up late during his summer holiday to talk to me. And one day, we were chatting as usual and he asked for my location. Assuming he is gonna help me quest, he came to me in his red scorpion and started saying stuffs like he had the proposal ring with him forever. And then, this is when a romantic proposal happened.

~ *Barks* u are the nicest fiesta I had ever met. I wuv u, will you
marry me please? <3 ~

Feeling touched and happy. I accepted the proposal and here comes the wedding next day. Before the wedding, another incident colours my paper of memory. I met a friend while doing King Zombie quest in Graveyard of the dead. Again, expecting to die 32186438 before I can complete the quest, I saw someone in there. And..again! something made me ask for a party. And he was so friendly. Then, it’s time for the wedding and my hubby urged me to meet him by Dreian Uriel. Since not having many people in my friend list online, I invited him to my wedding.

Warped into the pretty blessed garden,the wedding starts, my heart was thumping like crazy. I was soooo excited. The pledge book started to talk and then we were drowned in the guests’ wishes. While chatting with the guests, I realize the person I invited earlier ago lives in the same place as me. We started to chat like crazy and he became the closest fiesta friend I ever had.

Life in fiesta is fun and colourful with the company of friend and hubby. These are definitely my favourite fiesta moments that is gonna make me stay.. and of course, keep me playing fiesta. ^^

SparkID : cherry37

Last edited by bellbearangel; 09-29-2011 at 10:29 AM..
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