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Old 03-03-2009, 04:45 PM   #18
Mushroom Fighter
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Posts: 25
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can i continue what you have started? thx ^^

beyond +25 SPR up to +61 SPR, increase is 0.1% critical. so as your previous calculations,
you need 10 SPR points to make 1% more, in the other hand 10 STR makes 12 extra dmg, so:

*copy/paste* ^^

For the benefits of each to equal each other, we can use the equation X+12=1.01X, which comes to 1200 damage as X. If you deal less then 1200 dmg, free stat STR would be more advantageous because

1100+12 ?=? 1.01x1100
1112 > 1111.

If you deal more then 1200 damage, SPR would be more advantageous, because

1300+12 ?=? 1.01x1300
1312 < 1313
------------- end of copy/paste (with modification) ----------------
next is beyond +61 SPR, increase is 0.05% critical.
with the same calculations, new threshold is 2400 dmg, if you have more than 2400 dmg, then SPR still better than STR.

as for me, using bk axe, my dmg is more than 2.4k dmg, so i guess free stat SPR is still better than STR...

i started to believe in pure SPR build xD
*buys stat reset scroll* >.<

Note: for mages, since they don't critical nova/inferno, i think INT is better for them.

Brave_Dai lvl 9x Battle Warrior
Guild: Veritas
Bijou Server
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