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Old 07-07-2009, 07:55 AM   #13
Fire Mushroom

In-Game Name: Yasumi, Byoki, Sawbones
Server: Teva
Posts: 31
Yasumi is on a distinguished road
More redundant advice
Seems just about all has been said. But here's a little more from someone who thinks she could almost do it with her eyes closed now: (^_^)

Killing the fighter and archer in the large dark room is best I think. There are 2 places where removing your bow can help. !st is when you enter, then you can put it back on till you get to the steps up out of the large dark room. Remove it then before facing your shadow in the final room untill the room lights up and your shadow starts talking. You can do the same with any piece of gear you have. If it's not on you at those points you're shadow won't have it either. I usually only remove items that are +5 or better or have nice stats myself.

I have had a couple of friends that had trouble with this in the past so I did it for them. But would not reccomend that kind of solution unless you have someone you really trust with your account.

"At least one of me is not schizophrenic." -me
"I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken" -A former teacher. he may have gotten the quote from someone else.
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