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Old 11-22-2007, 02:30 AM   #19

Posts: 7
Qasur is on a distinguished road
At first, I didn't understand the production skills, but I chose Potions and Scrolls (just based off other MMORPGs I've played), and they have been fantastic.

Generally, when I grind, I'll grind lower-level mobs that drop the materials required for Potions or Scroll-making. In general, it's doing three things: Giving me exp (although not the best I can get), keeping me from using HP/SP stones/potions as much (since I can just House-n-rest), and it gives me what I need to produce stuff to sell.

Under most circumstances, I don't get enough materials to make a really large amount of stuff. Usually, it just puts me at like 20~ in each stack. From there, I split them into 3 stacks and open shop and just buy materials (overnight or duing the day while I'm in class) for the lowest-going rate. I've found that even though there are guys buying for 10-15c more than you, you'll eventually buy enough at your price.

Afterward, I mix-master my materials into merchandise, then open up shop and sell everything. Scrolls go from around 100-150c (I don't gouge prices to like 175-200 on everything Tier 1 (>.<!) For potions, generally around 20-25c.

Recently, I've stopped selling potions because they aren't as profitable compared to scrolls. Instead, I spend my time just collecting scroll materials and selling scrolls. I've had my mage up for two weeks now and I've spent at least 100s worth of stuff between him and my Cleric, and I've got 20s on each char, with 50s in Storage. I've been doing really well, but I just spend a lot of time with my shop open either buying materials or selling merchandise (saving some for myself of course.)

Then, I'll spend a few hours and grind out the next level or two, then go back to a few days of making money. So far, I've done really well in two weeks. Mage is level 25 and I've got loads of cash.

@Making Money: You just need to learn the rates of materials costs (low end) and the prices people charge. Undercut buying prices and selling prices and you're guaranteed to not have stuff left over when buying or selling (and if you do the math, you'll still make 50% profit. That's my profit margin, or I won't sell it cheaper.)

EDIT: @Clerics being the cheapest: They are. When I started my Cleric, I took 3s out of storage. I did the "farming" method with him up to level 15 (for my Mages scroll and potion production skills) instead of selling those Mats (to players or NPCs.) Even so, I took the cleric to lvl 15 in one day AND he has the best gear I could really find (my asking and searching stores.)

Clerics are just cheap. Even grinding, I only burn SP stones/potions, not HP. I just sit and rest if I'm too low on SP really. Time is your friend... don't go crazy burning your Stones/Pots to level. For one thing, Fiesta's resting is the best regen on HP/SP in any MMORPG. it's at a rediculous rate.
lvl 25

Last edited by Qasur; 11-22-2007 at 02:36 AM..
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