Thread: Stressed now :/
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Old 07-01-2011, 11:54 PM   #1

Stressed now :/

So, I have been in Florida since the afternoon of June 15th. Had fun in Orlando and errything (June 16th-June 18th). Ever since a week ago, I have been really home sick. I just want to be back in Michigan.

Now, on top of being lonely and homesick, I am stressed. Why? I was just looking at my bank account online and noticed that my funds were lower than they should be. I didn't freak out at first because I thought it was just because I bought my friend's bf a present (she is paying me back) for their one year anniversary. Then I kept looking at transactions and noticed I didn't recognize one. It said on the 17th of June I spent $54.63! No, I didn't. I was in Orlando at the time and didn't use my card for anything until the 18th and that transaction is show online for the correct amount, $23.

I wouldn't be stressed about this if it was as easy as going to a Chase branch around here and getting it all worked out.. except the card isn't in my name and nor is the account, really. My dad is my representative payee so it's all in his name. As of right now, I am guessing that when I go to the bank tomorrow, they are going to tell me I need my dad with me. As long as it stays $54 being spent, I won't be too stressed, but if someone did somehow get my credit card number this probably won't be the last of it.

I just want to be home in Michigan :(
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