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Old 11-12-2007, 06:52 PM   #24
Speedy Honeying

Current Level: 43
Server: Teva
Posts: 58
lebatt is an unknown quantity at this point
I buy them from people. I had a guy in game with 8k fame who i bought alot from around 5k fame worth.

Then i just shout in town saying.. something like

BUying 1000 Alchemy stones T1, T2,T3 paying 10s for T1, 20S for T2, 30S for T3


Sometimes i juz shout to buy one two or three. I am (hows the word) annoyed? appaled? at the people who set up a buy shop for 1c each stone. I hate people who rip off others, i have been accused but it was by accident buying Crude a little under NPC when i wasnt aware of NPC but i was paying 100-200c more than NPC on other items. Like i would care about saving 5c and pay up to 200c over NPC lol

Anyways yeah I usually shout. I have used over 30k stones or so , so far and i hvae 1-2 chars full of them.

For Decomp I dont charge usually. But if it's alot of items i will say ok you get 500 and i'll take 20 ok? or something like that or 10 or w/e . Most of the time nothing though (unless it takes me too much time to decomp )

And i wont spend my fame anymore because at 10k fame you get your skill (for fighter) whirlwind and i want that skill i dont want to waste fame.

So far my largest purchace was 46s of stones. Mostly T3 and T2.

I think by the end of the week i should be near 60k decomp or more.

Last edited by lebatt; 11-12-2007 at 07:02 PM..
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