Thread: Gm kq
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Old 11-04-2009, 08:29 AM   #1
Tournaments Won: 35

Posts: n/a
Gm kq

OK, so after way too many times trying doing Red Nix repeat and getting shut out of spots and parties for the few mobs that Outspark has in the Flaming Mine, I decided to break down and do the GM KQ. Side note, I still hate KQs, but this one is pretty simple, quick, and usually has players that know their roles, so it's a decent change of pace. Last night was a little different. The first one I entered, some noob decides to kill the golem before the wall is broken - epic fail. We were yelling at him to stop, but to no avail. And he wondered why everyone started leaving. Idiot!!!
The next one went OK for a while, and we did win, but I got partied with a L85 fighter who decided that HE was the tank. Normally, I'm OK with any fighter that wants to tank, but this guy needed to be realistic. At L85, he was barely at 5000HP WITH a 1000point buff on, plus he had no scrolls and it didn't look like he had any enhanced gear. Any time he went near GM, he was one hit KOd, and trying to keep him and an archer alive when the archer kept getting too close to the action was a nightmare. There were a few experienced tanks already in action, but this guy kept running in before the rest could get in the fight. Maybe I should let him borrow my cleric - at least he is at 6900HP, 2.9KDef, and has bonus damage of +2000 when I have him fully scrolled and CSd. I've used him to Clank in DT for the sub-bosses, so I'm pretty sure he could play with GM OK.
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