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Old 10-23-2009, 03:30 AM   #1
Spider Pig
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Warm weather = Bad (Do not enter Blaaaahs) [Blahs: OK]

I woke up about 4 am this morning and decided to do my usual morning computer tasks which take about 5 minutes after I had finished I got up and decided to go and make breakfast myself since I was the only one up. As I got off my computer chair I looked across the room and surprise surprise guess what I saw right next to my bed on the wall one of these

I don't know if it was there when I was still laying in the bed but had I been I would have been only 5-10cm away from it. So after I saw it I quickly ran to the toilet got like almost half a roll of toilet paper and it was curtains for the spider. I knew I was going to see one in my bedroom but I never thought this early blasted arm weather. Last time I saw a White Tailed Spider before this is I was about to a Mara KQ I was sitting on the computer chair saw it running across the floor I had to lift my legs up or it would've either bitten me or tried to start crawling up my leg.

I hope I don't see another one of these now for at least 2 months but I wouldn't be surprised if I get another one in my bedroom within the next month

Last edited by Blaaaaaaaah; 10-23-2009 at 01:33 PM..
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