Thread: Ralath!
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Old 09-10-2009, 02:02 AM   #3
Bad Kid
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o, hai there.

The Emissaries are organizing the first 'Saturday Night Scrim' open to the general public, on Saturday, September 12th, 2009. The scrims will be at 6:00pm and 7:30pm pst (a.k.a. Riot Time).

The purpose of these scrims is twofold: 1) Fun, and 2) Feedback.
These scrims are meant for the enjoyment of the community, but also to provide meaningful feedback and statistics.

Teams: A team must have a minimum of 5 players, one of which must be designated as Captain. All communication will go through team captains. It is strongly recommended that team have at least 1 alternate. Teams may have a maximum of 8 members. A player may only be a member of one team. You may change your team roster up until just before the tournament starts by editing your roster in this thread.

Each group of four teams will be put into a pod. There will be two matches within each pod, making one "0-2" team, two "1-1" teams, and one undefeated "2-0" team for each pod. The 2-0 teams "win" their pods.


Reply to this thread listing your:
1) team name, 2) team captain, 3) team members, 4) subs (if any).

Signups end on the evening of Friday, September 11th.
Everyone plays at 6pm and 7:30pm PST Riot Time (though you can contact your opponent to reschedule to an EARLIER time).
I will post what pod your team is in on Saturday morning or Friday night.
You may play vs your opponent team EARLIER than the scheduled time (upon agreement), but you may not reschedule for a later time.


There will be a "JV pod". If you want to scrim vs other teams, but you don't think your team is ready to play vs the BigMcLarge, Classick, and eXes's of the world, then please request to be put in the "JV pod". The JV pod will have slightly-less competitive participants.
If I don't get 4 teams for the JV pod, then I will simply the remaining JV teams in regular pods.

Duplicate Draft in a 1-2-2-2-2-1 format (the same champion can be on both teams)
1 champion ban per team.
No limit on summoner spells (each team may have 5 promotes and 5 rallies if they want).
Champion picks and Summoner Spells are picked at the same time. E.g.: Zilean with Clairvoyance and Teleport.
Teams must announce which of its 5 players it is using before the bans and draft.
The game should start immediately after the draft without a break to change Runes and Masteries.
A team does not have to restart the game because an opponent disconnected. If a player drops they may use the reconnect function to rejoin the game. Upon unanimous agreement, the game may be restarted because of a disconnect.

No abusing glitches. How do you define glitches, you ask? I'll know them when I see them. One example, illustrative but not exhaustive, is taking down Baron Nashor solo with Tristana from the brush, taking no damage (abusing the fact that it can't see you in the brush and so can't attack you). There are ways to take down Baron solo with several champions that involve staying either at a range where he can't attack you, or staying in the brush. All of these are exploits/glitches and are not allowed.


The prize for winning your pod = Fame & Glory. Nothing physical or monetary.
I will post the winners of each pod on the forums. You may use that thread to bask in your teams' glory and talk about how awesome you are.


One of the main purposes of these scrims is to attain valuable feedback for Riot.
So, you must keep some STATISTICS from each of your matches.

After the scrims, I will create a feedback thread titled "Saturday Night Scrim Feedback Thread" where I want every team captain to please respond (non-captains may post their thoughts as well). In his response, we'd love to know the answers to the following questions:

1) What champion each team banned and why.
2) How long each game lasted. How did you feel about the game lengths?
3) What champions did you pick and why.
4) What did you -expect- to be overpowered in the scrims?
5) Did it turn out to be as overpowered as you expected?
6) Did you notice anything that was unexpectedly powerful?
7) Was anything particularly fun about the matches?
8) Was anything particularly NOT fun about the matches?
9) Any suggestions for next weeks' scrims?
10) What did you think about choosing summoner spells at the exact same time as champions?
11) [reserved for suggestions of questions from Riot Games or other Emissaries].

p.s. we will be doing these scrims either every week, or every other week. Next time we do scrims, we will test exclusive draft mode to see how people like it.

*all rules subject to change at my sole, arbitrary, capricious, and cruel discretion.
If its me and you, thats two people. And you have a friend that plays it too right? That can be three. But then we would still need 2 more.
I sent destrus an invite, but he hasn't accepted yet. I don't have anyone on my buddy list besides you... We can always just get a random, but i'd rather not. And get someone at least I or you know.
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