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Old 09-04-2009, 11:46 PM   #1
Speedy Slime
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Cleric buildings...

Does DEF realy use full?

I'll use WoW as exemple

If you use Dwarf race for warrior you'll get +10 defesnse bonus that help you at begginig makking you 36 DEF and other classes got only 26 DEF, but since you get nice equipaments the Dwarf warrior will show 672 DEF and the other races 662 DEF. This makes Dwarf a waste of time for warriors...

Does the same happens with Fiesta's Clerics?

About crit...

I just figure out that HolyKnight has a always crit buff. In this case would be better goes on pure STR? Or maybe be a HolyKnight is only a nice dream that never come true?

I'm lvl 20 and didn't spent my points yet so help me please
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