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Old 08-14-2009, 01:50 AM   #25
Hero Slime
_Xexal_'s Avatar

In-Game Name: Xexal
Current Level: 80.
Server: Epith o.o
Posts: 10
_Xexal_ is on a distinguished road
oh nice XD old dances? epic, the new ones suck, i didnt play back when the old dances were in fiesta, well i did but it was only for like 3 days and i really didnt know u culd dance XD! ive been playing since hmm.. january 3rd O: well thats nice, cant wait? o.o
Xexal: where am i? Remi: Hello Xexal welcome to fiesta! *blah blah blah* go talk to healer julia. Xexal: What!? why? i dont wanna go talk to some midget! why dont u!?! Remi: *Repeats*. Xexal: *sigh* Damn MMO's -.- fine i'll go talk to the midget. Healer Julia in the distance: WHO THE F*** KEEPS SAYING IM A MIDGET!!*angry* >:[

Xexal:*sweat drop* ._. *sigh*... X3 sorry for da long signature <3
<Xexal of epith>
Temperary master of Forever Lost <3
server: Epith
_Xexal_ is offline