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Old 07-04-2007, 03:29 PM   #11
Bored Boar
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sparky is on a distinguished road
3 easy tips on copmpleting lvl 20 quest

OK seeing how many people do not know about this...there is a FAR easier way to complete the quest. of isnt as enjoyable as the adrenalin rush you get from taking on all those mobs lol

Having your skills empowered would make things much easier but its doable if you don't want to empower anything yet.
At the beginning, make sure you have stones and hp potions. Do not rely on one or the other.
if you go down to half health, use stone, then hp because the stones cool down time is kind of long but should be fine if you switch between different healing options.

All the way up to the dark room is pretty easy right? Well it can get easier.
Heres what i did and i am sure it will work for everyone else.

1. RIGHT when you reach the dark room, the warrior and archer mobs are also in that room on the far right (maybe far left). just go finish them off ONE vs ONE, theres no need for you to take them all at once in the last room.
When you finish those two off, go to the last room.

2. When it lights up, go back to the right side of the wall right next to the crystal where the first golem will spawn, and eliminate it when it spawns!
You can either wait for the other golems to spawn but i wouldnt recommend it you seeing how your clone will only stay still for a short while, yes while your killing the first golem, your clone will be out of your site range and will not be able to see you or attack you so your safe for a little bit ! not for long though i assume.

3.after finishing the first golem though, finish your clone as soon as possible, at around 1k hp left on my clone, another golem came out and i was a fighter =\

this should be much easier way

also if this was at anyway useful..please add it to the top the page so ppl can see it ;P lol
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