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Old 06-16-2009, 06:40 PM   #4
Silent Wizard
Sand Mushroom
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In-Game Name: Doylen, Slient_Wizard, Blue_Violet
Current Level: 110/110/110
Server: TEVA
Posts: 477
Silent Wizard will become famous soon enough
Story of Dead Children 4
A few days later Kenton got word from Smith Karl that his hammer was ready. He went to the smith. Karl said “you must be one lucky boy or those jewels you gave me were blessed because it worked!” He then brought out the hammer. “It sure is shiny” Karl said, “Would you like to sell it, I will give you a good price.” Kenton’s answer was terse, “no” he said.

A week passed, Kenton found that he actually enjoyed working at the merchant shop. Marty came into the store and to their mutual surprise they saw one another. It seems the Spirit’s birthday was coming up and Marty was looking for a nice present. He was planning a surprise party for her. He found nothing that he liked but he invited Kenton to come with him to the local tavern. Since his shift at work was just ending Kenton accepted the offer and they went to the tavern. There they drank grog and swapped stories of their adventures. Before long they were fast friends and Kenton showed Marty his shiny hammer. Marty, a professional soldier, knew the value of such things and asked “how did you do that?” Kenton told him about the jewels he had found and how the smith had forged them into the hammer. Marty wanted the same for his sword and offered to buy the remaining jewels. Kenton, also wanting to buy Spirit a birthday present sold some of his jewels to Marty. Marty also invited Kenton to Spirit’s surprise birthday party.

Marty took the jewels to the smith and by paying extra got the jewels forged into his sword while he waited. The smith, having some experience now was able to do the job quickly.

On the day of the party all of Spirit’s friends and family were waiting at home for her but she did not arrive home at the expected time….

The Lady Loki was worried, “it’s not like Spirit to be late” she said. Marty, always suspecting foul play drew his shiny sword and said “we must do something!” Sir Brom saw the shiny sword and asked his son about it. Marty told him about Kenton’s jewels. Sir Brom turned to Kenton and asked “have you any more of those jewels Kenton?” “Yes Sir” Kenton replied. “May I have them?” asked Sir Brom. This was the last of Kenton’s treasure but without hesitation Kenton replied “of course Sir!” Sir Brom took the jewels to his workshop where he quickly attached them to the staff he had made from the Eleven heartwood and stick. He returned with the staff and said “let’s go find her.”

Spirit was late. Farming for the herbs she needed in her potion making class had taken longer than expected. She knew all about the party her brother had arranged but planned to act surprised anyway so as not to disappoint him. The town had been quite of late so she decided to take a short cut home, passing near the mysterious house. As she came near the house she felt her heart turn cold and dropped her bag.

Sir Brom, Marty, the Lady Loki, and Kenton searched the town for Spirit. They could not find her. Kenton then remembered where he had first met Spirit. He led Sir Brom and Marty to the mysterious house. There they found her bag and tried to get into the house. They went around the house twice looking for a way in but the house had no doors and no windows. Frustrated, Kenton began bashing at the wall with his hammer. Marty joined in slashing with his sword but they were making little headway. Sir Brom, meanwhile, picked up Spirit’s bag and looked inside. There he found Spirit’s bow and jaded arrow. He also found the glasses and the three keys. He put on the glasses and could see a keyhole in the wall. He tried one of the keys but it did nothing so he tried another. A doorway appeared and opened.

Marty rushed in first with Kenton right on his heels. The house appeared empty, there was nothing there. Sir Brom then entered still wearing the glasses. He could see the decaying bodies of many children, Then he saw Spirit, almost gone, He told Kenton were she was and Kenton began casting his healing power on her. It took several heals to revive her. As she got to her feet IchigoHollow appeared in the center of the room where all could see. He was very angry at Kenton for healing Spirit. Marty put on his magical shield and discovered that it not only protected him but also gave him extra strength and dexterity. Marty ran to attack IchigoHollow while Kenton continued to heal Spirit. Once Spirit was fully healed he too attacked IchigoHollow. IchigoHollow was so angry at Kenton that he ignored Marty’s attack and focused his rage on Kenton. Sir Brom ran to Spirit and gave her the bow and jaded arrow from her bag.

Kenton was being badly injured and had to use his healing power on himself to remain alive. This only made IchigoHollow angrier at him. Marty, an experienced and clever fighter continued his attack doing great damage while taking little. Spirit joined the attack and began shooting her jaded arrow at IchigoHollow.

Suddenly, more monsters began spawning in the room. They were some kind of new mushroom! IchigoHollow had been using the bodies of dead children and the Elf Knights to grow a mushroom army! While Kenton and Marty continued their attack on IchigoHollow Spirit turned her attack to the mushroom minions. Sir Brom also began attacking the minions. Being older than the others he knew he could not take much damage but with his powerful staff he could take out a minion with a single blow.

The Lady Loki began reading from the book of scrolls and casting spells that allowed the others to concentrate on the task at hand. Spirit passed out potions for strength and quickness to the others before applying then to her self. As each minion was killed the child within was released. Loki gathered the bewildered and confused children together and took them to a safe spot.

The battle went on for what seemed like hours. As IchigoHollow’s mushroom minions were destroyed more children and more minions would appear. Kenton and Marty were holding their own against IchigoHollow and making progress. Spirit and Sir Brom helped by keeping IchigoHollow’s mushroom minions off Kenton and Marty. Some times a mushroom minion would reach Spirit or Sir Brom. When this happen to one of them the other would turn their attack to help. Kenton would break off his attack on IchigoHollow to heal them while Marty continued slashing.

Finally, it was over. The five of them had destroyed IchigoHollow and all his mushroom minions. Marty turned to Kenton and shook his hand. They were now brothers in battle and there is no closer kind. Sir Brom hugged them both. Spirit came to him with a full kiss on this mouth. This time Kenton did not blush, this was no child, this was a woman and he returned the kiss. Loki brought the many orphaned and bewildered children to them. Spirit then reached into her bag and gave Kenton the third key. It was the key to his heart and he knew that he once again had a family.
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