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Old 05-25-2009, 11:52 PM   #3
Tournaments Won: 35

Posts: n/a
OK, here's what I would list for on the Cleric items, in order from the top:

L54Boots 50S
L60Armor 100S
L60Mace 50S Good Luck selling it, I would NPC, maces don't sell
L78 Boots 75 - 100S
L44 Boots 50S
L48 Pants 40S
L68Pants 75S

For the Beak of Casha, I would go 1 - 2G, stats aren't the best, but it is a blue, so you might get someone to bite on it. The prices I've listed are fair and maybe a bit low in some cases, I know I overpaid for a pair of L58 pants with End and Str because they were the only pair I had seen after 2 weeks of looking. Also, you will have better luck selling in Eldy than Uruga, even with the higher level stuff. Good Luck!