Thread: LOL ~ x3
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Old 05-20-2009, 07:39 AM   #13
Spider Pig
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Originally Posted by Mindspank View Post
This is total debauchery and hogwash.

All the 3x people littered around your other party members lead me to believe you got warped into robo kq via academy warp, or mischevious GM. My money is on the latter.
Its a Spider KQ for sure because

1. I noticed there are a few Greenky in one of the pictures and Greenky don't spawn in Robo KQ

2. Also the map in Robo KQ is just called "Underground Square" while Spider KQs map is called "Underground Square of Horror"

3. Robo KQ does not give that many hearts as Spider KQ

Nei is gone they got rid of him after incidents Outspark did not like. If I had to guess it was one of the new GMs maybe Rayse or Nekopen. Its possible Silkypico may have done it too as Silkypico tends to do strange things when he is bored. (Like spawning 50 Archer Hell Guardian in FBZ)
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