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Old 10-17-2007, 04:39 AM   #16
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I said that because Fighters aren't exactly the speediest people in the game. Mages can cast one spell after another and hit harder than they can so they're more liable to get crits than anyone else. But if a Fighter were to spam his/her skills they might have a better chance of getting crit. But even still 5% is pointless. I mean, it would be nice to have but compared to the extra HP and defense and shield block rate its just not worth it.

I'm a 1h Sword user so obviously i'm nothing more than a meat shield. I'm not there to try to deal tons of damage. I'm there to take all the hits away from people. And EVERY point of defense is important to me. But what the hell Hessah? If a Mage even puts one point into any stat other than SPR or INT he/she's a moron. Its a waste of a stat point and will not help in any way.

Anyways, I do believe Dynanub was the one to say that stat points are pointless. He's pretty much right but sometimes having an extra HP can be the difference between life or death.
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