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Old 11-28-2008, 11:50 PM   #1

Posts: 2
Deldari is on a distinguished road
Long term party [Teva]


It's been a while since I played, but I've come back to Fiesta playing a mage because I seemed to always be looking for them for AoE parties when I was on my fighter.

If you'd like to level with me, or just chat, add me: Neeki

I live on the east coast of Australia so that's GMT +10. I work fulltime, Monday to Friday and am on from about 6 or 7pm here so if you're in the US and sleep normal hours (before midnight or so) I can probably only train with you on weekends but don't let that stop you!

Currently 20. If you're wanting a mage to level with and are between level 15 and 30 (I'll catch up) please please please talk to me. =]

Also, are there any friendly guilds I could join?


Last edited by Deldari; 11-29-2008 at 06:41 AM..
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