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Old 11-19-2008, 03:45 AM   #10
Goblin Swordman

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Last message and some thoughts about the world in the year 2006:

My sole purpose for composing this story is to leave a bright spot in my high school years, which I can in later days recall with pride, joy and satisfaction. The person to whom this book is dedicated is, to me, a teacher as well as a friend.

I have always doubted my capacity as an English user, and each time, she told me otherwise. It is ironic that confidence and diffidence retain equal shares of my thought. There was a time when the study of the English language was as important to me as mathematics. It did not last long, and for a while, I had thought the passion was long buried in the soil of time. It is her inspiration that somehow reclaimed many pieces of that dead enthusiasm, even though the balance could never be fully restored.

This story is the last testament of my once glorious obsession with the English language. My skills are yet to improve. My ideology is yet to see a new horizon.

Taking a moment to look out the window, I see the world in the year 2006 is a sullen one. Political philosophy is the most terrible mess that we have ever created. Nonetheless, it is essential for the human community to function properly. So whether it is communist or capitalist, theocratic or monarchial, the governing body is responsible for the lives and deaths of millions of individuals. We are taking chances when we accept the head of the system, whatever its political ideology is. Even in a democratic environment, communist elements do exist and thrive. Stereotype is another unfortunate substance that humanity has created. In any case, the world always moves on, each year is decorated with the pearls of emerging technology, and in the same year, marked by the destruction of more ethical reefs that form the ancient beauty of this sea of life. The remedy lies in the hands of the so-called leaders; many unashamedly ascend to the throne with little or no regards for the wishes of their loyal subjects. It is, however, even more staggering to justify the murders of innocent lives for any religious/ethical motives. The devil doesn’t exist in man, only mankind choose to believe and nourish the thought – only then are exploited to commit atrocity in the name of their respected deity, and so uphold a direct libel on their belief. If wrongs are to be returned by wrongs, there is no end to conflicts. Surely no God would favor this plight.

Peace is when the war ends. I do agree, but is it the war outside or the one inside that must end? Those who do not understand the question, or in any case refuse to recognize the answer implied should seriously look at themselves.

The teaching of Buddhism emphasizes acceptance of fate whereas the essence of modernity promotes idealism. It seems inconceivable to have them both, but not all that impossible. Indeed, one can accept what is laid by his own destiny but still look up towards the sky of prospective accomplishments, and reach out for them. Peace is perhaps somewhere in that sky of ours.

The future is yet to unfold. Many interesting things are yet to reveal themselves. Optimism is, without a doubt, the best medicine to survive the ills of this current life. So why not take a turn, if one has not done so, to the light of harmony and mutual love, undimmed by races, religions or political ideals?

The reality I see now is, sadly, far from that goal.

Ignorance is bliss. I was once negligent and am no longer. Instead, apprehension and disdain have taken over me whenever I shed a thought on this planet dominated by the demonic creatures of Pandora’s Box.

But I will remain hopeful, for one day, the goodness of this world, presently faint and unnoticeable, shall piece together the fragments of humanity. And peace will be upon us.
Primum non nocere

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