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Old 10-30-2008, 01:44 PM   #22
complete once again

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In-Game Name: Spirit_of_Water, Spirit_of_Earth, Spirit_of_Fire, Spirit_of_Wind, Spirit_of_Sky
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Originally Posted by HeroDie View Post
I'm starting to see a pattern ...How bout instead of lvl 30's being in a lvl 70 abyss ...go to your own ...quit trying to lvl so fast cause you want to be so good it will all come in time .. and the 70's just need to stay in there own abyss to then there would be no pking lower lvl from higher lvls in would just be an equal lvl..which i don't think would be that smart and idea
That would be great. But the problem is, you have people that are 8x with nothing better to do than go to the lower level abysses and wait for people who belong in that abyss to come walking in, just so they can kill them to get pk points.

Yes, I agree, the lower levels need to stay in the lower levels. But, that goes for us higher levels also.

How fair would it be if I took my 7x cleric into the level 6x abyss and every little 60 that walked through the door, I killed?

Not only that, but the higher levels need to lay off killing the dungeon bosses and leaves those for the people that HAVE QUESTS for them. They were hard enough to find and kill before. Now, there is no point to even working those quests. All the bored level 7x & 8x will go kill them all, either for fun or for spite.

They are seriously turning this game into one that I do not like anymore. I feel bad for getting my friend to start playing by telling her it was such a great and fun game.

The name of the game is called FIESTA – you know meaning party, meaning fun, meaning joining with friends to enjoy a game. Not Massacre.

They want to encourage more PvP battles in the abyss????? Why the hell even put mobs in there then. No one gets a chance to kill them anymore. Hell, they are slaughtered as they enter the freaking doors. All they are encouraging is more people being asses to other people and more whining, crying, bitching, complaining, and I can only imagine the amount of guild wars that will be started over this.

I’m sorry. I know SKiNG said give it a chance, but from what I have heard and seen, this was the biggest mistake yet by Outspark. Just because something is successful in one version of the game in a completely different country, does not mean that it will be successful in a different country.

I truly hope Outspark reconsiders this.

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