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Old 09-16-2008, 09:31 PM   #1
Marlone Fighter

Posts: 268
Luna has a spectacular aura aboutLuna has a spectacular aura about
I r mad at Teva -.-

Srsly. I contemplate wether to go to Teva or not...and Mikey convinces me to with +9s n stuff...I get to Teva..and Mikey goes POOF! It makes me mad that I've seen him post TODAY whereas, I sent him a pm days ago asking where he was...He can start new topics but not ANSWER A PM?>!

So anyways.. I'm levelin my archer..I have an average income of about 1s...barely buy skills..sellin off things i need for new skills and armor..pretty pathetic all n all..

I've been getting requests to join a guild like 10 times a day..and it annoys me..because I wanted to join a FF guild..but nobody seemed to care I came to Teva to invite me -.-"

I went into a mara kq today..all went rly well..when all of a sudden I see 5 members of this guild who wont stop guild inviting me.. I turned around and was like.."WTH why you keep inviting me to the guild without a good reason!?"
and the guys all "ull like it" and im all ....

I told him i said "Thats not a very good reason to invite me to a guild, simply saying *ull like it* isn't going to provoke me to join...thats like trying to sell a viscious dog by saying it's cute and cuddly!"

he's like "we're nice and we help all members..and we have high lvls"
Help ey? Give me free +9s then...he's all "Ok!" so i join..and like 5 seconds later : "You'll have to pay full price for it though.." -leaves guild- Srsly..learn the definition of FREE...

Soon after that..we lose mara because tank is in lala land and the only cleric (the annoying guild person) is soooo focused on recruiting ppl that we're droppin like flies flyin through a god awful when he dies he's all "why arent u guys protecting me? IM the cleric here!" Ya ur the cleric, whats that thing ur made to do? hmm idk.. HEAL maybe? oh and theres this's called REVIVE..pretty useful to have being level 25 n all -.-

so..I start ranting to booyah..and well..its nice that someone will atleast listen to me...spirits usually in her own little world..and i can never get ahold of anyone else on this forum..It's really starting to bug me..and I feel I should jus go back to Apo where FF'ers barely exsist..srsly

Ignore all the bad grammar -.-
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