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Old 09-06-2008, 03:09 AM   #1
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Should the internet be regulated?

Hi everyone, so I have a pretty nice debate topic for my Microelectric and Nanotech class and would love input from you guys, seeing as I probably won't thing of somethings that others would think of. So anyways here's the full topic.

Should the Internet be regulated to address the burgeoning problem of child exploitation and the exploitation of other at-risk individuals? If so, how could/should this be done? If not, how do we then deal with the emerging problems?

and questions that came along with this were as follows:
1. What is the best way to confront and then deal with Internet-based exploitation of children and other at-risk individiauls?
2. How can parents most effectively limit what their children are exposed to on the Internet?
3. How can law enforcement agencies effectively function across country borders rendered instantly porous on the Internet, and where they likely have no legal jurisdiction? Should there be a global Internet police force?
4. Some active "tracing protocols" be put in place to more easily track down perpetrators?

This debate will be held on the 9/11/08 so hopefully people will respond to this before then.

and to leave a quote behind cuz my professor is cool like that :

To laugh Often and Much;
To Win the Respect of Intelligent People
And the Affection of Children;
To Earn the Appreciation of Honest Critics
And Endure the Betrayal of False Friends;
To Find the Best in Others;
To Leave the World a Bit Better,
Whether by a Healthy Child,
A Garden Patch,
Or a Redeemed Social Condition;
To Know That Even One Life
Has Breathed Easier
Because You Have Lived.
This is to Have Succeeded.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
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