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Old 06-22-2008, 03:39 AM   #3
Spider Pig
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aushd apiusdhnaisoduhyasdasd

There now that I've mashed my keyboard in anger I feel your pain

If you frequently do KKP on Teva server you will notice there is always one class that pretty much has every other class outnumbered in KKP in this case its usually the Paladins. When we do get DPs in the KQ they usually end up getting DCed never to return to the KQ or there is this certain mage on Teva who leeches every god damn KKP KQ and I have yet to see him do anything useful.

Last time I saw him in a KKP I knew his plan was to leech the KQ and I was sure right. The excuse he used to leech the KQ "Sorry I'm busy scroll making" Dear god if you are going to scroll make dont join the god damn KQ let someone else take your god damn spot.

Sometime I feel like using every profanity under the sun at him.
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