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Old 04-09-2008, 11:59 AM   #5
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In-Game Name: GrandRestorer
Current Level: 17
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Originally Posted by faded-moon View Post
ok, so i dont know if any one else if having this problem but it doesnt help if i reinstall it and what not

but all pictures i have that show what type of monster/character and monster type ( elite etc.. ) have no picture or have weird figurations of green lines in them

and my mage issues is where some lvl 1 spells, magic missile, and firebolt, that have different cool downs for different lvls, the lvl 1 of those spells are going off the highest cooldown rate

like, the cooldown part of the picture will go away, but when i try to cast it, it will say something about it not being able to be cast right now, and my character will go through the casting process but nothing will shoot out.

any one else having this problem?
Didnt fiesta just do an emergiancy fix the other day to stop that problem?

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