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Yosei 06-23-2008 04:42 AM

laptop help D: (part 2: router)
I need help with my new router. I bought one so I could have a wireless connection for my laptop.

I bought a Netgear router.

This thing is a piece of crap!

This thing has horrible ratings(claims its average rating is 5 but I saw more 1s and 2s... 1 being the worst 10 being the best), and its been disconnecting me every couple of minutes for the last 45 minutes. I should have looked up brands and their ratings before going out and buying one <.< But I asked the dude, and he said I got a good deal.

Is this common? Got any tips on what I should do?

If this is a common thing, I am going to grow some greys from this. But if it isn't, anyone got any good brands to recommend?

Not to mention. It said "Get connected in 20 minutes!". What.ever. Took me 3 hours on the phone with customer support to set this thing up. I couldn't even understand the dude. "presh shrek" "Um, excuse me?" "presh shrek Ms. Kehteh" "Not trying to sound rude, heh, but it sounds like you're saying shrek.." "No, the shrek button at the bottom left corner of the desktop" "Oh... start. Okay.."

Dynamics 06-23-2008 04:51 AM

I suggest you change the channel your wireless router is running on. Otherwise, give me a more specific model number for your netgear router.

I've experienced plenty of problems with routers (note the plural), and I still do to some extent. Wireless internet is prone to occasional fault since the signal information is not protected by hardwire cables.

Yosei 06-23-2008 04:56 AM

Netgear Super-G Wireless router WGT624

This is just annoying... can't function on this connection.

And how do you change the channel? o.o I'm a nub to this stuff.

Bad ratings.

Dynamics 06-23-2008 05:34 AM

Haha wow, poor yos D:. First and foremost, don't update your firmware. I've heard doing so will turn your WGT 624 into a brick with a power supply.

Well anyway I'll help you as much as I can with changing the channel. You'll have to access your router directly. Your router has its' own IP address which you can access to change settings and tweak the router itself. < This is the IP address for your router, enter it into your internet explorer/firefox. It'll take you to the router settings. Look around for channel changing settings (I'm afraid I can't be detaild as I don't own the router itself, every router has a custom interface). This will change the frequency on which your Router sends signal information. The reason I suggest changing it is because it sounds like your default channel is having conflicts with the appliances in your house or your neighbours' routers.
What channel should you change it to? I'm not sure, this is something you're going to have to fiddle with. I promise no risk to your router in doing so however. You can still access your router despite being disconnected from the internet.

That also brings me to a question to you. What is the nature of your disconnections? Are you disconnected from the internet, but not from the router itself? i.e. The wireless icon in your system tray does not have a big red x next to it, and still shows connection, but you can't access websites and your msn disconnects you. Or the icon is has a red x next to it?

I'm also gonna need your OS, otherwise some of the things I have to tell you will be redundant (as all my experience is on the XP platform).

If the channel switching doesn't quite work, I recommend returning the WGT624 and buying a Belkin. They're the most reliable router providers in my opinion. But I hope the channels suggestion works, as I wouldn't want you going back to the shop inconveniently.

Dynamics 06-23-2008 05:36 AM

Hopefully you read this! I suggest looking under wireless settings for channel changing options o:

Yosei 06-23-2008 05:57 AM

That just brings me to my ISP's page for connecting. Doesn't have much to do with my router. I recall going to a page to set up channels when I was setting it up but I can't remember how I got there. The people had me doing a lot of stuff.

Yosei 06-23-2008 06:24 AM

I'm going to bed, I'll deal with it in the morning >_<

Dynamics 06-23-2008 06:29 AM

Haha okay, good night, sleep tight.

In the morning try using

Yosei 06-23-2008 03:16 PM

Bleh, well, its still at it, and that IP isn't working. Nothing comes up >_<

Ralath 06-23-2008 04:49 PM

What's the problem?

Not staying connected to the internet or not getting connected to the internet in the first place?

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