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Yosei 03-02-2008 10:53 PM

[Outspark] Goodies for March Patch(read the bold <.<)

Hello Fiesta Citizens~!

It's been a good while since I added some news. Hopefully you'll find the bulk of the news in this edition appealing. As usual, nothing here is final until posted on the patch notes during maintenance announcements.

New changes/additions coming in the next month
- Skill Scroll pricing for levels 20 ~ 40 will be lowered approximately 2 to 3 times cheaper.
- Maximum HP/SP stone capacity will be increased approximately 2 to 3 times more.
- Exp will be increased in Battle Field zones
- Lower level production skill materials will be sold at NPCs. Cost from NPC will be 10 times more than what you can sell to the NPC. Example, if you can sell a material to the NPC for 10 copper, it will cost 100 copper to buy from the NPC.
- Cool down time for Archers AoE skills will be lowered. (This is the first step to working on Class Balance Issues). More to come...
- Success rate for +1 ~ 6 for Grade 1 Enhancement will be increased.
- Job change at level 20 will be signifigantly easier.
- Killing a monster 30 levels or higher than your current level will only give you 1 exp. This is not final and has room for discussion.
- New map that will have all Battle Field Gates in one area.
- Levels 1 ~ 30 monsters will now drop random weapons and armor.

Additions in the next 2 months or so (more info about these items will come as we get closer to completion)
1. Guild Tournament System
2. Guild Growth System
3. Lucky Bag
4. Cooking System
5. Offiical Wedding Service
6. Advanced Mini House Features
7. Lv. 89 Cap Raise
8. Lv. 70 ~ 79 Battle Field

On-going development News
Game Balance
As you may have noticed, we implemented 3 "Achievement" quests for levels 10, 20, and 30. We've been evaluating user experience from levels 1- 30 and will continue to make that experience as "pleasant" as possible. Other things (aside from some of the notes in the beginning of this post) you may see are:
- Increased Exp reward from monsters and quests
- Better tutorials
- More quests
- Another "Beginner's Map" like Roumen
- Other various gameplay tweaks

While all this is going on, we've already begun analyzing data with game and class balance for levels 31 and above. This requires a little more time than earlier levels as characters become more in depth. Once the majority of tweaks have been implemented, we'll begin focusing on releasing gameplay tweaks for the higher levels. We do recognize there are faults in certain areas that need to be addressed balance in Fiesta, mainly the Archer class at higher levels. Class balance is a discussion that goes on every week here so know that even though we don't discuss topics openly, doesn't mean we aren't aware or we're not working on it.

We're also looking into
- Increasing the frequency of other KQs like we did with the Robo KQ.
- Increasing drop rate on weapons/armor
- Boss Raid instances
- In-Depth Ranking System
- More PvP features
- Class branching
- Auction zone
- Housing
- Bind Stones
among many other things too long to list.

Current Quests!!!
Yes, we know majority of the quests are either broken, contain grammatical errors, or just plain don't make sense. We're in the process of doing a complete overhaul to make them right. It's been going on for a while now and we appreciate the patience you've all had with the quests. Hopefully all the quests should be near complete by April.

Last thoughts
Coming soon, we'll be doing some stat changes on some of the mini pets currently in the Fiesta Store. We''ll be having a having a poll so that you, the user, we'll be able to decide the new stats. We'd like to customize the stats specific to classes. So if you have ideas on what you think the stats should be, feel free to post your ideas in the Class sections of the forum. Basic format should be no more than 10 stat pts combined. Example: 3 STR, 5 END, 2 DEF = 10 pts.

Upcoming Events:
Dance Dance Fiesta!!!
- This event will be held late March. Form your group and plan out a dance routine! Best routines will win prizes! Expect prizes to be SparkCash or even iPods! Creativity and costume coordination is definately a plus. Event details and rules will be posted soon.

Scavenger Hunt 2
Similar to the first one except this one will definately be more difficult. You may be required to check out other sites for answers! Prizes may be things like Graphics Cards, t-shirts etc...

Thanks for reading. Hopefully i'll have some more good news next week!

fullback 03-02-2008 10:59 PM

Thats going to be great so is the cooking system going to be like making food to take place of pots?

Drake1 03-02-2008 11:00 PM

level Cap raise to level 89? I MIGHT come back after this patch. i'm not really sure

Hessah 03-02-2008 11:02 PM


that's the sort of info we want!!! eventhough nothing is confirmed... at least telling us wat they're planning to do is great...

i actually quite like the idea that u cant get exp from mobs 30+ levels than u...

Cooking system sounds interesting HAHAHA...

dont level 1~30 drops weapons already? i hope they think about dropping lvl 60+ greens too...

and archer skill CD decrease... i think that's a nice start~~

Drake1 03-02-2008 11:05 PM

what do they mean by level 20 job change will be easier? will they decrease the hp of your clone?

Hessah 03-02-2008 11:08 PM

they didnt say but the lvl 20 job change seems pretty easy to me already =/

Drake1 03-02-2008 11:12 PM

The level 20 Job change is pretty easy for all clerics

Yosei 03-03-2008 12:13 AM

The job change can be hard for mages. And the additions say next 2 months or so. Trying to push out the loophole wording here so no one gets upset with the next patch lol.

I think they're planning on the official release being towards May-Augustish. So it seems.

Valentines 03-03-2008 12:18 AM

Meh, I did the mage job change easy.


Hessah 03-03-2008 12:28 AM

i cheated and got a buff before doing my mage job change XD but it was quite easy for archers and fighters still

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