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Esen 02-08-2008 07:57 PM

Haha @_@
Looks like I'm skipping class today. @_@ I normally take the bus at 11:30, but my dad is home this week except he went out in the morning and is now stuck in traffic. Class starts in about 5 minutes, and I have no other way to get there. Could take the bus now, but by the time I get there, class would be over. Boo.

Hope whatever we cover today is easy for me to understand, math is not my strong point. @_@

A_Forever 02-08-2008 07:58 PM

Ewwwwwww.....math :x

Esen 02-08-2008 08:01 PM

When I was in middle school, I use to be "Yay, math!" xD

Yosei 02-08-2008 09:24 PM

My math classes were boring in high school, except 10th grade, my teacher just didnt give a crap. It was amusing. And in the 12th grade, they treated us like elementary school kids lol.

Zwivix 02-08-2008 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Esen (Post 86863)
When I was in middle school, I use to be "Yay, math!" xD

Omg my brother is like that now. I can't stand bringing him down by showing him my high school textbook ^^

That happened to me the other day too. I hate the train, dumb machines didnt accept my Debt card...Had no cash...

Esen 02-08-2008 09:44 PM

^Haha, math never really made me go "ugghh" as it used to be my best subject and I did use to like it just as much as art. It's just during the time i became interested in writing, my English went up, my math went down. Then in junior year it crashed, haha, got a D in precal/trig. Retook it senior year so I never got to calculas, but I guess calc would've made me go @_@ as for the first semester, all my friends were struggling with it. I'm taking Statistics right now, and doesn't seem that bad so far.

My math classes in high school were fun, but mainly cause of the people and teachers. Amusing people. ^_^ There were some chapters I enjoyed though so some parts of math are still fun for me~

@_@ I had a longer post, but I somehow closed the window.

Blaaaaaaaah 02-08-2008 11:30 PM

Esen I love your new siggy!!

Esen 02-08-2008 11:45 PM

^Haha, you want to kiss me now right? right? <3


*is ready for valentines day now*

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